www.DigitalMTB.com www.alandavisphoto.net
"There are no honorable bargains involving the exchange of qualitative merchandise like souls, for quantitative merchandise like time or money." -William S. Burroughs
“A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams
Henri Cartier Breson (Please forgive me if I butchered his name) was the third. bad year to be an aging photog I guess...blame it on digital?
www.DigitalMTB.com www.alandavisphoto.net
"There are no honorable bargains involving the exchange of qualitative merchandise like souls, for quantitative merchandise like time or money." -William S. Burroughs