National Dance Week and have announced that award winning Dance Photographer, Rose Eichenbaum, will be functioning as Judge for the National Dance Week 2006 annual Photography Contest., sponsor for the annual NDW Photography contest, will be networking with Ms. Eichenbaum who is the author of the recently released and highly acclaimed book, Masters of Movement-Portraits of America’s Great Choreographers, a publication by Smithsonian Books.
The 2006 Contest is being presented with a Theme of "The Spirit of Dance" and all entries will be judged on the basis of their originality, imagination, and ability to capture the spirit of dance.
Prizes will include: First Place: $200.00; Second Place: $50.00, and; Third Place: $25.00. Only hard copies of the photographs will be accepted and only photographic prints or good quality jet laser prints in sizes 8 x 10 or 8 ½ x 11 will be judged. Electronic files, photo copies, slides or cds will not be eligible or accepted. Entries may be in black and white or color.
All submissions are to be sent to: NDW 2006 Photography Contest, c/o, P.O. Box 724, Kenmore, New York 14217. Entries must be accompanied by an entry form (available from the website) with name of the photographer, address, phone number, fax and e-mail address, along with the TITLE of the photograph affixed to the back of each image and all entries must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2006.
A complete listing of the full Rules and Regulations is available on both the National Dance Week and websites ( or and/or from the NDW national office at 1-877-YES 4 NDW.