ExpoDisc Announces ExpoAperture Depth-of-Field Guide --
Simple, Fast and Accurate.

Company Also Changes Name to "ExpoImaging"

MORGAN HILL, CA, (May 24, 2005) - ExpoDisc Inc., the pioneer in diffusion filters that allow photographers to balance color at capture, today announced the ExpoAperture Depth-of-Field Guide, a small circular pocket guide that enables photographers to quickly determine the maximum and minimum depth of field for a given focal length and aperture size.

The new Depth-of-Field Guide is compatible with all film and digital SLR cameras. Suggested retail price is $19.95. The versatile new Depth-of-Field guide is intended for the educational, hobbyist and professional markets.

In addition, the company announced today that is has changed its name to ExpoImaging, a name the company believes better reflects its expanding product line.

The new ExpoAperture Depth-of-Field guide is printed front and back on two tough plastic discs that rotate against one another, somewhat like a simplified, compact circular slide rule. It is slightly larger than a credit card and comes packaged in a durable plastic pouch. The depth-of-field guide comes with advanced instructions for use with macro and telephoto zoom lenses.

Given the aperture setting, the actual focal length of the lens, and the distance to subject, photographers using any digital or film SLR camera can quickly determine the precise depth-of-field for their shot, literally seeing their options at a glance.

"Today's advanced technologies make automatic exposure and focusing a snap, but what you gain in automation you lose in creative control," said Erik Sowder, ExpoImaging President. "If you use an auto-exposure, auto-focus camera, then your shutter speeds may be slower than necessary or your aperture settings smaller than required for good depth-of-field control."

"The new ExpoAperture Depth-of-Field Guide can help you quickly and easily regain control of your images. You will know in seconds the largest possible aperture for your desired depth-of-field, which also enables the fastest possible shutter speeds and helps image sharpness," Sowder added. "Its simplicity and ease-of-use will appeal to both beginner and professional."

The ExpoAperture Depth-of-Field Guide is available at retail outlets nationwide.

About ExpoImaging

ExpoImaging (formerly known as ExpoDisc, Inc.) was founded in 1980, and is the pioneer in digital white balance filters. Its founder, George Wallace, originally designed the ExpoDisc to be a more convenient and accurate gray card and printing tool for use with 35mm film cameras. ExpoImaging's other digital workflow products are available at photography dealers nationwide, or online at www.expoimaging.net.