Artists and Photographers Donate Images from and of New Orleans and Mississippi for Katrina Fund Raising Efforts; Proceeds from Purchase of Professional Grade Photos to Be Donated to Help Support Relief Efforts
SAN ANTONIO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 12, 2005--In an effort to raise money for victims of the Katrina disaster, a new online gallery of donated photography and artwork has been created under the name:
Lara August, founder of Robot, a creative firm based in San Antonio, conceived the idea and is acting as the lead organizer. "We want to celebrate what was New Orleans and the affected areas as a way to help support the relief efforts by having the public purchase photographic reproductions of artwork and photographs," stated August. "We have been very excited about the response we have received from artists who have assigned the rights to reproduce their artwork and donate the proceeds to the American Red Cross' relief efforts."
Ten artists are currently featured and prices vary from $4.99 to $49.00.
Artwork Housed On Shutterfly Web Site
To view and purchase photos, all you have to do is log on to the web site. Orders will be processed and fulfilled through Shutterfly's Pro Gallery Service ( Shutterfly is the leading independent e-commerce company specializing in digital photo products and services for the professional photography and consumer markets.
All proceeds from the sale of the artwork will benefit the Red Cross relief efforts in New Orleans and the surrounding area. Prints are available in a variety of size and prices range from $2.99 to $49.99.
About Art for New Orleans
Art for New Orleans -- is a non-profit initiative founded by Lara August, founder of Robot, a creative firm and Robot Art Gallery of San Antonio. As a curator and promoter of the arts, Ms. August was in the process of organizing an art show that consisted of a series of photos from New Orleans when Katrina hit. Seeing the devastation over the days after the event, August organized a coalition of artists who have agreed to donate their work for sale to this worthy cause.
Reader Contact Information:
Art For New Orleans, C/o Robot, 724 S. Alamo St., San Antonio, TX 78205, 210.476.8801,,