Camera Dealer Feedback Forum

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  1. #1
    Likes to play in cemeteries GraveyardMistress's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Where do they get their cameras??

    I am so glad I found this forum; I came very close to placing an order at Best Price Camera... I thought it sounded too good to be true, but sometimes you can be caught up in thinking you are getting such a great deal

    What I don't understand, after reading through these forums, is where all of these ripoff companies are getting all of their products? I know a lot of it is the "gray market" stuff, but is all of it? Why don't the big camera companies crack down on these shady dealers? I would think that would put quite a damper on these operations, wouldn't it? Or would they just order them another way?

  2. #2
    Member Jumpseat's Avatar
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    Gold Canyon, AZ

    Re: Where do they get their cameras??

    There have always been problem with some photo retailers. Long before online stores magazine ads were the source we used to find the best deals. Even then there were companies that would slam you with grey market products. The manufacturers are using the best method they can, in my opinion, to combat grey markets … Warrantees.

    Though most major manufacturers use similar methods, here is how I understand Nikon (the company I am most familiar with) handles Grey Market. NikonUSA will not service any Nikon photo equipment that was not supplied by NikonUSA and sold within the US. That non-service policy covers both non-USA equipment under warrantee and out of warrantee. That’s right you can’t even pay them to repair your non-NikonUSA (grey market) item.

    Nikon does have repair facilities within the US to repair non-NikonUSA products and many people believe they can have their grey market product repaired there. Wrong! These facilities will only repair items if you can provide a bill of sale from outside of the USA. With regard to grey market items purchased with a US bill of sale, you’re sunk!

    Frankly, I would not like to see the grey market system go away. It provides some very good discounts. Granted there are penalties, but for certain items it may be worthwhile. I wouldn’t buy a complex DSLR on the grey market but might consider it for a simple P&S, a flash, or some other accessory item. The length of warrantee can be a help in determining which items to go grey with. I would hate to loose the value of a 5 year warrantee but most items will out live a one year warrantee. And, some items like a P&S, a flash or an inexpensive lens will cost nearly as much to repair as replace once out of warrantee.

    The old adage of “Buyer beware”, still, unfortunately, applies. I normally purchase from B&H, Adorama, or another source I have had previous experience with. The last time I went to a lower level retailer for a rockin’ deal they claimed USA on the phone but sent out grey.

    My suggestion is to always check out the prices at B&H and Adorama first. If someone has prices much lower than their’s I would be very careful. The other old adage of “If it seems too good to be true …”.

    In response to your question of why don’t the manufacturers stop the bad guys: Often the suppliers of grey equipment to the bad guys are not the camera companies but some third party. And, to be a little cynical, the camera companies are in business to sell cameras and the grey market sells cameras. - Bill
    Last edited by Jumpseat; 08-28-2007 at 01:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Douglasville, GA

    Re: Where do they get their cameras??

    Any experience with Vann's?

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