Camera Dealer Feedback Forum

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    san francisco california usa

    They saw me commin!

    They saw me commin!

    It’s the old story of “Buyer Beware!” Recently I was in the market for a new Digital SLR camera. Of course I used Google and typed in said same.
    I got back a host of sites that claimed to “Have the best deal” I went to one of the site called “” When I saw the price of the camera that I was interested in, I could not believe how inexpensive it was.

    Having listened to my parents when I was growing up, and learning the hard way (1000’s of dollars latter) that “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!” I decided to call them up and ask how in the world they could sell their equipment for such little money? I mean we where talking over $1,000.00 dollars less then the average store. I got a hold of a slick, fast talking salesman named Jason. I asked him point blank. “Tell me, Jason, how is it that you guys can sell a Nikon D200 for such little money? I mean as a business person, I know either Ritz camera, Wolf camera, and Best Buy do not want to sell any cameras or there is some hitch to your deal!?”

    Jason responded that “All the other guys have big over heads, i.e. 100’s of stores, employees etc.” Plus the camera prices listed do not come with any batteries. I guess I had on my “Gee, I want this camera so bad I am not going to listen to what is being said” ears or I am just stupid! I, of course took the bait!. Jason’s tone and glee and speed of talking went into high gear! “Oh, he says, you qualify for this and that and did I tell you about this, that, and the other thing?” “Don’t forget about these! Says he!” Needless to say, my $1,200.00 dollars deal, wound up costing me $2,471.00. I’ll bet Jason needed a towel to clean himself after this purchase!

    They saw me commin! I am telling you this not to persuade you not to shop at but to make sure that you search the internet and know the prices of everything that you want so when someone tells you that: “Because you are calling today, you qualify for the long life, supper high speed, whoopy deluxe. . . . . “ you do not end up paying $275.00 for a battery that you can buy anywhere on the internet for $44.00 and some change!

    The best part is, once I got my stuff and opened it and shopped out the price of what I got and realized that what I got was “TAKEN FOR A RIDE” and I could have purchased half of what I got for half of the price I paid. I then called the “We want you to be totally satisfied so that you will tell your friends and family about us! customer service--I talked to Mr. Green, Mr. Brown, and then I got the run-a-round--thanks for calling, you have reached customer NO-service” service line, I got just that, No service! Needless to say, after 8 phone calls, 6 e-mails and hours of my time, I am keeping my “We gottcha” camera gear as to send it back would cost me shipping fees, a huge restocking fee and fighting for days and hours to get a refund! Just so I can waste the time to buy it somewhere else. Plus, every time I use this camera, it will remind me of how I did not listen to that little voice inside and got taken for a ride.

    I hope that this tale of horror helps at least one person avoid the “now my bank account is depleted” syndrome.
    Thanks for listening, Phillip L. Lary 415-627-6929

  2. #2
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    wa state

    Re: They saw me commin!

    Bet you didn't get a nikon warranty card either.

  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: They saw me commin!

    Good story. Thanks for sharing. I think I need to write a "How to Shop" guide.

    You sure you want your phone number in your post?

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