Just to give everyone a warning, stay away from expresscameras.com. They are terrible! Two weeks ago i ordered a canon eos 20d camera from them on the internet. I called them back to confirm my order and they added $700 dollars worth of accessories onto my order. I freaked out on them and told them that wasn't what i orginally ordered. They redirected me to the sales floor where i eventually was able to talk to someone. Our conversation went as follows.
Me-Uh, you changed my original order and now I have $700 worth of stuff i don't need.
EC-well what exactly didn't you want on the order?
Me-First of all i don't need two battery chargers and two batteries, so could you take them off the order.
EC-Sir, you are aware that this camera doesn't come with a battery or a charger?
Me-um, i'm pretty sure your wrong, it should come with one from the factory.
EC-no sir, the camera does not come with a battery, you have to purchase it and the charger sperately.
Me-you know what, i kind of feel like i'm being pushed around, i'd like to cancel my order
EC-sir, i'm not being pushy, i'm just trying to give you the better deal, we'll get it shipped out to you
I called them back and talked to someone different and got them to take off one of the chargers and batteries. However, they're still charging me for a battery and charger that should come with the camera. They also told me since my order went through the onely way i could get my money back was to wait until the camera came and then ship it back. This all took place about 7 days ago and i'm still waiting for the camera. It should have arrived long ago since i specified 3 day shipping. Anyway.....just thought i'd let everyone know not to order anything from them. Any advice on what i should do?