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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2002

    Question Digital Liguidators and Broadway Phot

    Has anyone purchased or returned items from either of these dealers? They currently have almost too good prices on a Canon Digital Rebel kit. Or does anyone have any reliable place cheaper than B&H and Ritz?


  2. #2
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Chicago Suburbs
    Both of the places you list are known scam artists. Sure, the equipment might be cheap, but won't include manuals, straps, packaging, or a USA warranty.

    I wouldn't buy from Ritz unless you needed something immediately and had one locally, they're just too overpriced. As far as mail order, Adorama, B&H, Calumet Photographic are all good places.

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    How to tell the most experienced shooter in a group? They have the least amount of toys on them.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian
    Both of the places you list are known scam artists. Sure, the equipment might be cheap, but won't include manuals, straps, packaging, or a USA warranty.

    I wouldn't buy from Ritz unless you needed something immediately and had one locally, they're just too overpriced. As far as mail order, Adorama, B&H, Calumet Photographic are all good places.
    I had that feeling. If it's tood good a deal, there's a reason. But, I wanted to make sure. I too have dealt with B&H and they are good, but there prices are just as high as Ritz. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
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    Perryville, MD
    I always wondered how a place named Digital Liquidators was selling current and very popular cameras.
    "Every great decision creates ripples--like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2004
    I'll try this again, must of not been logged in. I bought my Kodak DCS Pro 14\n camera from digital liquidators, for about 2600.00 dollars. No problem with them. Got everything with the camera that was supposed to be in the box. Straps, books, battery, power mod, fire wire cord, 5 power pluggs for different countrys wall plugg. Had to send camera back because computer could not recognize camera after plugging fire wire into port. Kodak couldnot help (they did try hard).Not digital Liquidators fault. Got new exchanged camera back from digital liquidators in a week and a half. Camera works great. When received camera at purchase, it was new and in original box. I follow a few other forums on photography and cameras, and I did see a few negitive comments on digital liquidators. I'm just telling you my one time dealing with them. Which was not bad.

    I like to add something to my post here which I made last night. Yes sometimes a deal can be to good to be true, but that is not always the case. Like with the almost half price I got off for my DCS 14\n was because Kodak came out with the same camera again with major changes init. The new one is called DCS PRO slr\14n. With the letters (slr) being added to it. I can still get upgrades for my model both firmware and hardware. So I'm glad I picked the earlyer camera. Also I know of a few places that have the name liquidator at the end of there names.It dosen't allways mean that they are selling out of date or discontinued items. Sometimes It's just a name a lot of dealers use and now days dosen't mean to much. Anyway I think we all know that just about any store will have big mark downs on there Items and mark ups on other items to make up for the lower priced ones. A big no to the wounder of those that think I may work for digital. (I don't) Like I said, I'm just telling you about my dealings with them. I knew that my model was going to be replaced by an updated one. I knew that it's price should come down. But if you look at some other places on the net. Some of them are still selling my model for as much as 4000.00 dollars. Those are the places to stay away from.
    Last edited by jf58; 03-24-2004 at 06:28 AM.

  6. #6
    Member yaronsh's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian
    Both of the places you list are known scam artists. Sure, the equipment might be cheap, but won't include manuals, straps, packaging, or a USA warranty.

    I wouldn't buy from Ritz unless you needed something immediately and had one locally, they're just too overpriced. As far as mail order, Adorama, B&H, Calumet Photographic are all good places.
    For basic equipment, if you buy at a store (vs. online), I've found Best Buy to have relatively good prices, at least here in greater Boston. (Ritz is ludicrously expensive.)

    Personally, I would not buy a digital camera online, just b/c it seems that digicams are not yet quite where they should be in terms of Q&R. It's easier to bring a camera back to the store, if need be, than send it back to an online dealer or the manufacturer.

    Just bought a Digital Rebel at Best Buy, with a Best Buy 4-year warranty that includes normal wear-&-tear (not just defects) for an extra $100. Also, they matched the price I showed them for SD 256MB Ultra II CF cards (about $30 less). Incidentally, at the same time, I bought an A60 for simple snapping purposes, for $161.

    Digital Liquidators: I think the negative comments I've read about them are just that they try to convince you to buy more stuff from them (e.g., accessories), and sometimes their low prices are contingent on buying those things (i.e., it's a package).

    - Yaron

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