We all rely on Google. com and tend to trust it as a site of high integrity. I will attempt to show why that assumption of their integrity needs to be called into question.
Look at the first page of this search:
The first of the 'Sponsored Links' on the right-(Google gets paid for this) is a link to a consumer "search". But look at the 'featured dealers' on this page from ShopCartUSA.com.
Broadway Photo, Camera Addict, and Best Price Cameras.
Now look at the Better Business Bureau report on the last dealer named above:
It's one of the brotherhood of crooks that is centered in Brooklyn, NY!
In fact the 'featured dealers' at ShopCartUSA.com are all crooks!
And Google is not above foisting these dealers off on us!
Care to guess what the next 'Sponsored Links' consumer assistance link gives us? take a look
More Brooklyn brotherhood! Yeaaaaaaaah! hooooooo!
Here's a suggestion-why don't those of us who have had bad experiences with the Brooklyn Brotherhood contact Google and ask them to change their ways? Ask Google how they can ignore the BBB ratings and the thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of customers who have been ripped off as Broadway Photo proudly says, for over 31 years.