I have just purchased almost $9,000.00 of Camera equipment 2 days ago (May 2, 2006) after a month of figuring out exacting what I wanted and then 4 days (and nights) of searching for the best price on the net. I am the owner of a very large online travel agency focused mainly on Costa Rica in Central America. I could not afford for there to be any mistakes on my order because my sister-in-law is bringing these items to me here in Costa Rica on Tuesday (May 9, 2006). In my search, the BEST price for everything I need was found at Camera City (CCI) www.ccicameracity.com/.
Owning an internet based business myself, I did what any normal net nut would do...I Googled them and searched for reviews and blogs. I found absolutely Horrible reviews on them and I begin thinking about how my sister-in-law is coming in 5 days or so and what if these reviews of CCI are correct. The gentleman that had already been helping me was Sid at Ext. 203 and he did a GREAT job, but on my 2nd call I told Sid about the reviews I had found & sent him links to them. Sid assured me that CCI was not that kind of company and they only wanted to sell me the items I needed for the best price and he promised excellent service afterwards. I told him I would think about it and hung up.
A few hours later I recieved a call from John at Ext. 201, one of Sids co-workers. He told me of his conversation with Sid and their concern of wanting me to feel secure in doing business with them. No hard sales push and no rudeness had been given by either of them. After talking to John, I thought a while and even though I wanted to save the $1,000.00 or so, the money really was not that important to me, it was the service....I HAD TO HAVE GREAT SERVICE. Trying to exchange something in the states when you live in Costa Rica is VERY Hard.
Here were two guys that DO NOT work on commissions yet both trying to get my confidence....why? If I did not buy from them it would be no big deal if they do not make commission right? I can only say that I kept thinking about the sincerity in their voices & the follow up call that John made to me. Both men were giving me their word that they are on the up & up.
I decided to purchase the items from them and my bill came to $8,470.00 and the items were sent out overnight to my sister-in-law. The next day it was all there but 2 small things that John made sure were sent "Overnight" again because they were back ordered. The items are all there according to our family members and the order is correct by brand and number. I can only say that my experience was great working with Sid & John and I proudly refer others to these two individuals. I look forward to doing business with them both again and hope that others will take the time time to write a GOOD review for them. This world is hard enough and most only take the time to complain but never to give thanks,,, Thank You....John Thank You Sid....
Mitch Chandler