Yes stay away from Prestige Camera. the business name is Broadway Camera.
Additional Business Names:
A&M Photo World
Best Camera
Camera Addict
Digital Liquidators LLC
Ghu, LLC
Millennium Camera
Preferred Photo
Prestige Camera
Regal Camera
Wild Digital LLC
Nature of Business
Complaints to the Bureau indicate that this firm uses high pressures sales tactics after consumers place their orders. After ordering merchandise consumers report receiving a phone call from the firm’s customer representatives attempting to sell additional items. Representatives allegedly try to persuade consumers to buy the U.S. warranty, as well as accessories like cables, peripherals, and software, or lead consumers to believe the product will not work if additional merchandise is not purchased. In some cases, if the consumers declined, an email was sent advising them to cancel their orders because the item was on back-order despite being listed as available on the firm’s website. Consumers also reported unauthorized charges on their invoices. When trying to dispute such charges, consumers report difficulty talking to management, claiming they are verbally abused by the company’s staff.
The above info comes directly from the Better Business Bureau.
Here's my story
A week ago Monday I placed an order on line for the Rebel xsi according to the web site it was in stock. The next day I got a call saying that they wanted to verify my mailing address. the man proceeded to sell me a battery fat a very steep price tell me that the battery that comes with the camera only lasts a few minutes. He also tried to sell me an sd card. when I told him I already had one he told me the camera took a special one. I refused to buy anything more and he told me I would have the camera in 5 days. One week later here was no camera. I called the the automated number to check on my order but got a message that the order # did not exist. I went to my account on line on the stores and found a message stating that the camera was on back order. I called the store and insisted that they cancel the order. the man was condescending and and spoke to me as if I were an idiot. He told me my confirmation # was "c" like in "kangaroo" and "n" like in "knife" followed by the original order # I was given (the same # the automated system said did not exist). Needles to say I have been on the web site these past 2 days and they continue to advertise the camera as "in stock".