Rocky: The Camera-Shy Dog

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  • 03-31-2004, 10:50 PM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Rocky: The Camera-Shy Dog
    Since my pooch decided to stay in the room when I got out my camera (usually he runs and hides) I thought I'd share his photo with everyone here.

    Be supportive.. He's sensitive. ;)

    Thanks all for taking a look!
  • 03-31-2004, 11:17 PM
    Asylum Steve
    I smell a comic strip... :)
    That'd make a good title, don't you think? Maybe a cartoon...

    Ya know, Brian, if you always pop a direct flash in ole Rocky's face when you try to take pictures of him, THAT may be the reason he usually runs and hides... :D


    Originally Posted by Kokopeli
    Since my pooch decided to stay in the room when I got out my camera (usually he runs and hides) I thought I'd share his photo with everyone here.

    Be supportive.. He's sensitive. ;)

    Thanks all for taking a look!

  • 04-01-2004, 12:04 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Brian I noticed you posted your pic using profile

    Originally Posted by Kokopeli
    Since my pooch decided to stay in the room when I got out my camera (usually he runs and hides) I thought I'd share his photo with everyone here.

    Be supportive.. He's sensitive. ;)

    Thanks all for taking a look!

    for your Nikon and therefore may not have been like you thought it would display. Cute dog and yes I agree with Steve about the pop a flash in anyones eye and they get the flights about them.

    How's this look now. Profile changed to sRGB, did a white balance and a little saturation top up.
  • 04-02-2004, 06:27 AM
    Charles Hess
    LOL, those "deer in the headlights" eyes look like the eyes of a few new models I've worked with. Nice one. :-)
  • 04-02-2004, 06:46 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Cleaned up the retina bounce and blurred the background from Peter's changes.
  • 04-02-2004, 06:46 AM
    another view
    I've got a Malamute that's camera shy. Not just the flash or the high-pitched noise of the flash, she just doesn't want her picture taken. I thought I was the only one!
  • 04-02-2004, 09:51 AM
    My dog is the opposite.
    When I break out the camera, he gets close. Usually with his nose!



    Originally Posted by Kokopeli
    Since my pooch decided to stay in the room when I got out my camera (usually he runs and hides) I thought I'd share his photo with everyone here.

    Be supportive.. He's sensitive. ;)

    Thanks all for taking a look!

  • 04-02-2004, 04:45 PM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Hamming it up....
    My border (x) likes to hamm it up whenever possible. Here I was setting up for baby portraits for a friend. She saw the camera and had to be involved. That's what I get for taking her whenever I go out landsape shooting.

    My cat's not any different. The only reason I don't have more shots of her is the dog herds her away.


    PS. sorry for the poor quality. It's a small low res jpeg extacted from the raw file.