1 Attachment(s)
Rocky: The Camera-Shy Dog
Since my pooch decided to stay in the room when I got out my camera (usually he runs and hides) I thought I'd share his photo with everyone here.
Be supportive.. He's sensitive. ;)
Thanks all for taking a look!
I smell a comic strip... :)
That'd make a good title, don't you think? Maybe a cartoon...
Ya know, Brian, if you always pop a direct flash in ole Rocky's face when you try to take pictures of him, THAT may be the reason he usually runs and hides... :D
Originally Posted by Kokopeli
Since my pooch decided to stay in the room when I got out my camera (usually he runs and hides) I thought I'd share his photo with everyone here.
Be supportive.. He's sensitive. ;)
Thanks all for taking a look!
1 Attachment(s)
Brian I noticed you posted your pic using profile
Originally Posted by Kokopeli
Since my pooch decided to stay in the room when I got out my camera (usually he runs and hides) I thought I'd share his photo with everyone here.
Be supportive.. He's sensitive. ;)
Thanks all for taking a look!
for your Nikon and therefore may not have been like you thought it would display. Cute dog and yes I agree with Steve about the pop a flash in anyones eye and they get the flights about them.
How's this look now. Profile changed to sRGB, did a white balance and a little saturation top up.