• 07-05-2004, 11:56 AM
    3 Attachment(s)
    My 4th of July - A wedding
    Happy Belated 4th of July everybody.

    I hope that everybody had fun and safe 4th of July. Normally I watch fireworks with my niece and nephews, but I was hired to photograph a wedding. Besides my assistant getting stung by a bee on her eyelid, it went well. She's okay, and thankfully somebody had Benadryl on hand. Whewww...I thought a trip to the hospital was going to be needed.

    Here are some selected pictures from the wedding. All taken with Canon 10D or 1Dmk2, and processed with Phase One Capture1 software.

    It was a great ceremony since it was traditional and also a Persian wedding so it was educational too.

  • 07-05-2004, 07:48 PM
    Throwing up metal?!
    On her wedding day? Dude, I've been dating the wrong kind! :) LOL

    Hey Loren, nice shots. I think the only thing I'd say is to give your b+w a little more "punch" and that would be it. They seem a little grainy/flat to my eye.

    You lucked out about that bee sting, boy had it been me I'd of turned into the elephant man :( Hope you had a great 4th.

  • 07-06-2004, 04:09 PM
    Charles Hess
    Goos work, as expected from you. I love the 2nd shot. Besides the beesting, this looks like it was a fun and different wedding to shoot.