It's My Birthday...

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  • 09-12-2009, 01:13 AM
    It's My Birthday...
    Today, the 12th, is my birthday. I am 30. It's a brave new world for me. I honestly never expected to live this long. I have had a premonition from the time I was 15 that I would die before I was 30, but... Here I am.

    Now I don't want to sound like I am unhappy about that. Now I am past the hurtle and ready to take on the rest of my life.

    I had a friend help me yesterday to take some pictures of me while I was still technically in my twenties. The last day of my twenties. Here are a couple, with a few more to follow after I get them sorted out.
  • 09-12-2009, 06:15 AM
    Old Timer
    Re: It's My Birthday...
    Happy Happy to you John. I had those same felling about not making it past 30 and here I am pushing 62. Just goes to show......
  • 09-12-2009, 06:41 AM
    Re: It's My Birthday...
    That's strange because I remember having those thoughts also and now I'm 63.
    Happy birthday, Almo. Your gift is in the mail.
  • 09-12-2009, 08:54 AM
    Re: It's My Birthday...
    Happy birthday! I started to really live in my 30's...
  • 09-12-2009, 09:10 AM
    Re: It's My Birthday...
    Congrats on making it past your self imposed life expectancy (mine was 27 :lol:)! That second pic is great :)
  • 09-12-2009, 09:20 AM
    Re: It's My Birthday...
    Happy Birthday John!!!!!!!!!!
  • 09-12-2009, 10:12 AM
    Re: It's My Birthday...
    Happy Birthday!!

    If you make it past the party for the 30th, it's a snap! I survived my 30th party (there was a boat you see, but that's for another time).

    Now the goal is to shoot not only for 40 but what you want to do when you are in your 40's!!

    Happy day and decades to come!
  • 09-12-2009, 10:24 AM
    Greg McCary
    Re: It's My Birthday...
    Happy Birthday John. Enjoy the thirties.....A decade that will fly by before you know it.
  • 09-12-2009, 10:53 AM
    Re: It's My Birthday...
    Here is wishing a fellow 30 year old a happy birthday, and many more!!!