Yesterday was a beautiful day, so early AM & late afternoon I went to 3 parks here on Long Island to take pictures. Hiked through the woods, got bit by several wimpy mosquitos(By the next day the itch was gone), walked around for hours with soaken wet feet from the wet ground and spent over 3 hours taking pictures.
But then when I looked at them - how disappointing! It seems like I wasted the day(and in-between I watched my Eagles embarass themselves by blowing a big lead to the Giants).
Either the focus wasn't right, or the exposure wasn't what I thought it was, the composition was wrong - didn't see in the final pic what I thought i was taking a pic of, some distracting object would find its way into a pic that I hadn't seen - one of those really rotten days of shooting. I think in all that time I ended up with one shot(maybe 2?) that I am not totally ashamed to show people.
"Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This!"