• 12-30-2004, 08:22 AM
    Best part of your holidays?
    While the entire week before and after Christmas was very enjoyable and relaxing at our house, I'd have to say that my best holiday moment was the fact that I actually surprised my husband this year.

    Normally, since he does the budgeting, he sees all the reciepts, and there is never a surpise. Even if I manage to keep the reciept, when he syncs up with the bank he'll find it. But this year, we opened a seperate account to keep track of photo stuff, and I did enough on the side that even after paying off the 20d, I had enough to get him the table saw he's been looking at. While that may be small potatoes to those actually in business, I was thrilled to death.
  • 12-30-2004, 08:40 AM
    Re: Best part of your holidays?
    That's easy for me SNOW. Living not far for the Texas Gulf Coast having snow on Christmas was the best. Everyone in town was so friendly. If you ask people if they had to choose between presents and the snow about 90% would say snow. It was a Christmas I will never forget.
  • 12-30-2004, 08:58 AM
    Re: Best part of your holidays?
    Table saws good :) Get him a scroll saw next year.

    I would have to say my favorite part of the holidays was the end :( Too stressful this year, I wasn't prepared at all. It's all my doing, of course, but I still get to complain.

    Running a close second: I got to see ALL of my closest family on my mom's side. That's a rare thing for us. One of my aunts is in Arkansas and never makes it home. All of my cousins live in other areas now. One just had a baby this year and was honorably discharged - her husband is getting shipped to Iraq for at least a year next month. It was the baby's first Christmas and we were all together for at least a day.

    Okay, that was actually the best part :D

  • 12-30-2004, 11:23 AM
    Old Timer
    Re: Best part of your holidays?
    This one is easy for me. Having all the kids home on Christmas Day. They were in from Texas, Tenn, Louisville, and the youngest home from college. The highlight of the holiday was when we all gathered around the TV to watch the 3 minute ultra sound video of our first grandchild due in May. We ran it forward, backwards, in slow motion and stop frame. All nine of us were enthralled. It took us 30 minutes to finally think we had seen everything and identified all the parts. It still looks a little like ET, but I'm sure in five more months it will develope all it's mothers beautiful features. Family is still the most important part of the holidays and I am so grateful that they are all in good health and still want to be home for Christmas.
  • 12-30-2004, 12:05 PM
    Asylum Steve
    Cartoons and family from Europe...
    Our Christmas did not involve a lot of expensive presents or anything, but it was pretty special nonetheless.

    My niece Lori was visiting from Greece (where my older sis lives) and had a great time in FLA. She hadn't seen some of her American relatives in ten years.

    Also, two of my gifts were DVDs of Looney Tunes (box set #2) and one of my fav cartoons, Invader ZIM. We've been watching them non-stop since last Saturday, so right now I'm about as happy as a pig in slop... :D
  • 12-30-2004, 02:36 PM
    Re: Best part of your holidays?
    Being home with my family and eating my mom's home cookin' !
    We had pork roast with rice with more pork in it...
    We had ham ---wait that's pork.
    We had stewed pork with white rice...
    pasteles (like tamales but different filled with pork)

    So as you can see---PORK played a big part of our holiday...my mom makes the best food BETTER than any mother---don't challenge me on that we may have to have a PR mother's day cook off or something

    But just being home with family in Va and getting to spend time with my sis-who i haven't sen in over a year...

    Good thread Adina
  • 12-31-2004, 08:42 AM
    Re: Best part of your holidays?
    The BEST part of my christmas was...... Seeing the look on Michelle's face when she opened her presents!

    Sitting down I hope :)

    I got her COSTLY stainless steel cookware to cook my meals in ;) SERIOUSLY!!!

    She is not one to want jewelry, not materialistic in the least and only wanted a few frying pans!

    I got her 17 pieces of cookware ;)

    from there we cooked(ok , I cooked) dinner for my family at my house. Time with loved ones is always SPECIAL in my opinion!
  • 12-31-2004, 10:20 AM
    Re: Best part of your holidays?
    Christmas Eve I went to my friend Judy's for the whole weekend. Judy lives in a mother-daughter house - with her daughter, son in law (a doctor) and their 8 children. The children range from 20 yrs. to 4. I've been going there for years because my sister and her family live in Florida.

    The best part of Christmas for me began Friday evening when we all went to Mass together. We then came back and ate tons of home made cookies and all kinds of goodies. Christmas day our numbers increased with some of their extended family, so we had about 25 people and a LOT of fun. Watching the kids open their presents was also a high point. We had a late afternoon dinner of Filet Mignon, etc. which was really nice! That's our annual treat! Then I had enough Cheesecake (from the Cheesecake Factory which is the best) to last me through the new year.

    All in all, for me Christmas means first and foremost celebrating the birth of Christ, being with loved ones and enjoying life at it's best! :)

    This is a great thread........wonderful and uplifting topic. :cool:

  • 12-31-2004, 10:22 AM
    2 Attachment(s)
    Re: Best part of your holidays?

    Originally Posted by adina
    While the entire week before and after Christmas was very enjoyable and relaxing at our house, I'd have to say that my best holiday moment was the fact that I actually surprised my husband this year.

    Normally, since he does the budgeting, he sees all the reciepts, and there is never a surpise. Even if I manage to keep the reciept, when he syncs up with the bank he'll find it. But this year, we opened a seperate account to keep track of photo stuff, and I did enough on the side that even after paying off the 20d, I had enough to get him the table saw he's been looking at. While that may be small potatoes to those actually in business, I was thrilled to death.

    best part of my Christmas is having an entire week from work to spend with my two favorite elves.
  • 12-31-2004, 10:30 AM
    Re: Best part of your holidays?
    Happy New Year Leon,

    I just had to tell you what a beautiful family your have. Such adorable children. These portraits are incredibly beautiful. I would say that your Christmas presents work well with your photo equipment. :D

    Great work!



    Originally Posted by Lionheart
    best part of my Christmas is having an entire week from work to spend with my two favorite elves.

  • 01-01-2005, 09:47 PM
    Re: Best part of your holidays?
    Thank you Liz :)
    It was actually pretty hard getting these two to pose for those photos at the office studio. I had volunteered my services to the staff to do free Christmas portraits, and had been taking pictures and burning them to CD all day a few Sundays ago. I had my family come in early that evening after I was done with the staff, for portraits and neither of my kids was in a posing mood. It's so nice having a studio and only having to pay for 1/4 of it because its shared equipment for the office. I've been taking advantage of it on weekends, especially since I'm the only one of the four partners who actually knows how to set it up. :)