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Thread: Sony rumors...

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physasst Sony rumors... 12-11-2007, 09:56 PM
Canuck935 Re: Sony rumors... 12-12-2007, 09:18 AM
physasst Re: Sony rumors... 12-13-2007, 10:27 AM
photophorous Re: Sony rumors... 12-13-2007, 03:50 PM
physasst Re: Sony rumors... 12-13-2007, 08:21 PM
physasst Re: Sony rumors... 12-13-2007, 09:54 PM
SmartWombat Re: Sony rumors... 12-13-2007, 04:29 PM
demonsmasher Re: Sony rumors... 12-14-2007, 01:42 PM
rongarrett Re: Sony rumors... 02-26-2008, 08:49 AM
Photo-John Welcome 02-26-2008, 11:26 AM
rongarrett Re: Sony rumors... 02-26-2008, 02:59 PM
Photo-John Thanks! 02-26-2008, 03:32 PM
  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2007
    Rochester, MN, USA

    Sony rumors...

    Tried to post this under the news and rumors section, but there was no "new thread" option. Has anyone else heard any scuttlebutt about the two new Sony dSLR's being released next year? It's been my understanding that they will release two models, the A 300 which will be an upgraded A100, but not the prosumer model that the A 700 is. They will apparently also release their flagship model the A900, which they are being closed mouthed about, but also letting some info out here and there. The Canon folks have repeatedly said they don't believe that SSS and FF are possible, yet Sony released a statement apparently that said "the problems with SSS and FF have been solved". This leads one to believe that the A900 will be a FF dSLR with SSS, and continuing the tradition that started with the A100 basically sharing the same sensor as the D200, and the A700 basically sharing the same sensor as the D300. There is some speculation that the A900 may share the same sensor as the D3, but with some modifications. Sony has been very tight lipped about it, but it looks like it will be coming at some point....:thumbsup:
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    "No matter whether a person belongs to the upper or lower ranks, if he has not put his life on the line at least once, he has cause for shame" Nabeshima Naoshige (1538-1618, A.D.)

  2. #2
    May the force be with you Canuck935's Avatar
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    Re: Sony rumors...

    It is sure an exciting time to be an a-mount user. Sony has really shown commitment to their newly acquired DSLR business. In just a couple of years, they have taken a dieing system and turned it around completely.

    While I won't be buying either of the new one's since I'm happy with my new a700, it will be good to see the availability of a full line of bodies from Sony. This will show users a clear upgrade path from entry level through pro bodies.

    What I'm really looking forward to is some of the new lenses Sony has in the works. They had a whole case full of mock-ups at PMA that I'd like to see in production. I'm sure they have plans to release even more lenses with the new bodies, as they have done with the a700.

    Good times...

  3. #3
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    Re: Sony rumors...

    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck935
    It is sure an exciting time to be an a-mount user. Sony has really shown commitment to their newly acquired DSLR business. In just a couple of years, they have taken a dieing system and turned it around completely.

    While I won't be buying either of the new one's since I'm happy with my new a700, it will be good to see the availability of a full line of bodies from Sony. This will show users a clear upgrade path from entry level through pro bodies.

    What I'm really looking forward to is some of the new lenses Sony has in the works. They had a whole case full of mock-ups at PMA that I'd like to see in production. I'm sure they have plans to release even more lenses with the new bodies, as they have done with the a700.

    Good times...

    Yeah, there is also apparently discussion of three models to be released. The A 500 which will be a direct replacement of the A100 with probably a boost in MP, and sort of inbetween the A100 and A700, there is also a rumor that they will release the A300 which will be an entry level dSLR, probably the same sensor as the A100, but with fewer features. and the A900, which will probably be FF, and probably be their "flagship" camera for now. Sony is definitely preparing to step it up...:thumbsup:

    "No matter whether a person belongs to the upper or lower ranks, if he has not put his life on the line at least once, he has cause for shame" Nabeshima Naoshige (1538-1618, A.D.)

  4. #4
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Re: Sony rumors...

    Would you mind explaining what "SSS" is to a curious outsider?


  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: Sony rumors...

    Quote Originally Posted by photophorous
    Would you mind explaining what "SSS" is to a curious outsider?


    Super Steady Shot...In Camera image stabilization. Canon has maintained for a while that building a FF camera with in body stabilization is impossible, Sony, "claims" to have solved that. Dunno until they release the camera. It'll be an interesting year for sure. Sony's increasing presence is only going to be good for Canon and Nikon peeps too. More competition will lead to better products and prices for all.

    "No matter whether a person belongs to the upper or lower ranks, if he has not put his life on the line at least once, he has cause for shame" Nabeshima Naoshige (1538-1618, A.D.)

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: Sony rumors...

    Here is a MUST read article for any Sony owners, OR for anyone with any interest in where Sony may be going with their Camera line...

    "No matter whether a person belongs to the upper or lower ranks, if he has not put his life on the line at least once, he has cause for shame" Nabeshima Naoshige (1538-1618, A.D.)

  7. #7
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Sony rumors...

    Sensor Shift Stabilisation ?

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  8. #8
    Junior Member demonsmasher's Avatar
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    Re: Sony rumors...

    I waiting to upgrade the a100 till to the a900 when it comes out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Newnan, Ga USA

    Re: Sony rumors...

    As everyone prolly knows by now, the A300 and the A350 are about to be released. I have the A350 on order. It will be used for flower photography. It has been my experience that one cannot over megapixel flower images. Fine detail is what separates just good from awsome. The real live view will aid me greatly in this venue. Most flowers are closer to the ground than my 6' 3" eye level. Too old to bend over much, so the 350 will be welcomed.

    It seems Sony has done, {rather handily I might add}, what the other two big guns have not been able to do. I predict Sony will shortly be a force to be reconed with. The hookup with Carl Zeiss was brilliant. I have never heard of a "bad" CZ lens.

    I currently own Nikon, Canon, and Sony cameras. I have another Sony on order, which shows the way I am leaning. I have to find a way to budget for some more Zeiss glass......

  10. #10
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rongarrett
    I currently own Nikon, Canon, and Sony cameras. I have another Sony on order, which shows the way I am leaning. I have to find a way to budget for some more Zeiss glass......
    Welcome to the site and thanks for sharing. I agree that Sony is quickly becoming a digital SLR power. If you haven't read it yet, check out my little Sony article from PMA:

    I hope you'll post reviews for all of your cameras and lenses. With the range of stuff you've used, your reviews will be especially valuable:

    Write A Review >>


    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

  11. #11
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    Newnan, Ga USA

    Re: Sony rumors...

    John, I'll be glad to post a review of the 350 after it gets here and I have a chance to use it some. The peach trees are beginning to bud out around here, spring won't be far off. I live only 20 miles from Callaway Gardens and plan an all day shoot there with the new camera. Lots of flowers available right here too. My neighbors like to grow flowers. A free image or two gets me invited to take all the pictures I want.

    I have a "black thumb" everythuing dies I touch, so I just take the pictures. You have a nice site here. Everyone seems to have an open mind, which is conducive to learning. A thousand minds are always better than one. Looking forward to a lot of visits.

  12. #12
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States


    Quote Originally Posted by rongarrett
    You have a nice site here. Everyone seems to have an open mind, which is conducive to learning. A thousand minds are always better than one. Looking forward to a lot of visits.

    We've worked hard to make this a friendly site that's safe for all types of photographers to share and ask any question they want. I think we've done pretty well. Know-it-all types tend to move on or put up with a little abuse. And I think most of us are more into taking pictures than acquiring the latest and greatest. Although a new acquisition is always nice

    If you haven't already, you should introduce yourself on the ViewFinder forum. That's sort of the community living room.

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

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