Display Modes

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  • 01-29-2004, 06:07 PM
    Display Modes
    If you're a little uncomfortable with the new format, check out the "Display Modes" options. At the top right of every discussion there's a link that says "Display Modes". If you click on that link a dropdown will appear with the following options: Linear Mode, Hybrid Mode, and Threaded Mode. The default is Linear Mode. Our old forums were "threaded". I've been using the "Hybrid Mode" on these forums. I think it's the best of both worlds.

    Explore the features here. There are lots and it definitely takes some time to get to know the system. But once you start to understand it it's really beautiful.

  • 02-02-2004, 01:54 PM
    One thing I don't care for is the sorting of the threads. Is there any chance of getting Initial Message Post Time as a sorting choice so the threads will remain in the same order?

    Thanks for all your work on the site, John.