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Thread: 645 Pro

  1. #1
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    645 Pro

    Does what it says on the tin.
    Compare these two crops, one with the standard iPhone camera app and one from 645Pro.
    Same cat (mine), same bed (mine*), same pillow (mine*), same iPhone (mine).

    It's pretty clear that the app works isn't it?

    Leave aside the styling for a moment, with the different capture aspect ratios 6x17, 6x9, 645, 6x7, 6x6 as film backs. Don't look a the film modes, K14, FC5, E6K, C42, T3, H5, F4. Don't consider the live histogram, and AE and AF lock.

    Just concentrate on the way it saves minimally compressed JPG files or a lossless compressed .TIFF file.
    That is for me the real killer feature, getting closer to the best quality available from the sensor. It's not RAW because Apple doesn't let you get that close to the hardware, but the quality improvement is fantastic.

    And the response to my comments on the application in v1.0 ?
    All the features I asked for (and more) are in the next version.

    9/10 for this app, probably 10/10 for the next version ... 645 PRO for iPhone, for ultimate camera control and image quality

    P.S. after consulting the cat, (*) the bed and pillow are hers.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 645 Pro-img_1002-2.jpg   645 Pro-img_1001-2.jpg  

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  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: 645 Pro

    I do see an improvement in contrast, sharpness, and color on the top image compared to the bottom. I assume that 645Pro is the top one right? This may be a big market in the future, apps that allow decent image processing of shots taken with smart phones and tablets. I saw an image from a friend's new Motorola Droid and it was impressive. I assume the new iPhone 4S has a much improved camera also.

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  3. #3
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: 645 Pro

    As the cameras in the phones improve, I expect them to gradually add more features, like RAW mode and maybe even a filter attachment.

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  4. #4
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    Re: 645 Pro

    I don't like the built-in photo application on the iPhone because it lets the shutter speed drop to 1/15s before starting to boost the ISO. Indoors that means the photo is almost certain to be unsharp.

    I would prefer to set the minimum shutter speed at 1/60s and let the ISO rise earlier. However I can't see any mention of it in the specification. Perhaps it's controlled by hardware?

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  5. #5
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    Re: 645 Pro

    Yeah, it's a cool app, it offers better IQ out of the phone compared to the standard iPhone app, and it also gives a bit more control over certain aspects of exposure (+ the different film modes etc mentioned by PAul). I was hoping it would actually allow you to set the shutter and ISO yourself, which unless I missed something you can't do (you can however compose a scene that gives you the values you were looking for, and then lock focus and/or exposure from there). Night mode is also cool, it allows a shutter speed up to 1 second which I don't think the normal camera app does.

    The controls are a bit fiddly but they work. The built-in help file is handy too, because there are quite a few options to fiddle with...

    Full quality TIFFs are about 10MB, compared to about 2.5MB for the HQ JPEG out of the standard camera app.

  6. #6
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: 645 Pro

    I was hoping it would actually allow you to set the shutter and ISO yourself
    The website describes it as "Aperture-priority Program AE"

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