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I like the lower specularity of the second, all in all I think the second one is better but the yellow is too strong for me. I tried an edit - applied 82 cooling filter at 13%, prefer the colors there. The range didn't allow much leverage in color balance editing for me, with added blue in color balance it just made the light look more specular like the first.
This was the first time I've tried the gradient map function in photoshop for something besides black and white. The colors were orange/purple and set to a low opacity (around 20%). I had first tried the warming filter, but ran into same difficulties with it that Anbesol did, so I scrapped that idea pretty quickly...
I think the 1st one pops and offers more of a wow factor due to the higher contrast and the better seperation of the subjects off the bg. I feel as anbesol in that i like the lower specularity of the second.
Somewhere in between the two.