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Thread: CS5 and HDR Pro

  1. #1
    n8 is offline
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    CS5 and HDR Pro

    Per request, here's a quick example of an hdr done through CS5. This is actually only a combination of two images. One nice feature that photomatix lacks is that you can choose which exposures you're using while you edit. So, I started with 3, but clicked the hot one off. CS5 offers a nice set of presets, but offers fewer parameters for adjusting your image. The first image is obviously the middle exposure, uncropped.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails CS5 and HDR Pro-pondoriginal.jpg   CS5 and HDR Pro-pondhdr.jpg  
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  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: CS5 and HDR Pro

    Thanks for posting Council. It's hard to get the big picture feel, but this is a obviously BIG improvement over CS2's HDR capability. It now appears that PS is tone mapping well, or at least tone mapping, since I don't think CS2 did so. Nice for 2 images for sure, and that 'don't use this image' capability will probably come in handy.

    I imagine that at least some potential users of PhotoMatix's will not see the point of spending the extra $100-$150 for PM now, but without using CS5 I am still very impressed with PM. It's still theirs to lose with me,

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