Hey guys,
wondering if someone may have some suggestions as to how I can best replicate a shot in terms of studio lighting setup & camera settings. I'm basically trying to replicate the same shot as seen in the attached pictures. The pictures are taken from a website where you can change the colour of the tshirt online. With that said, I'm unsure what colour they originally shot - white? black? a colour? Is there anything we can say about the shots which may indicate the original colour of the tshirt that they shot to achieve the desired level of fabric detail?

Name:  example.jpg
Views: 107
Size:  72.4 KB
Name:  example2.jpg
Views: 97
Size:  74.0 KB
Studio, lighting & shot suggestions-example3.jpg

As you may see, the light source is quite harsh which shows great detail of the fabric texture - this I guess was the main goal of their setup and is what I'm also trying to achieve. Would anyone have any experience of shooting something like this or have any general advice how this detail is best achieved?
Any thoughts welcomed!
Thank you,