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What's there to say about this shot? Nothing. Other than it's fantastic! I love the composition and colors, not to mention the overall contrast between the colors and the general lonely feel of the location. Dilapidated barn, dead tree and the sun shining almost like a spotlight on the dead tree. It's a very good photo.
thx for the responses..glad you like it john and adrock.
Mb, I did drag a burn around the outside but the left and rear of barn in the shadows was pretty dark regardless from a tree line running on the left side. I'll try and work on that without exaggerating the look too much..thx for commenting.
I like the first one better. The dark barn doesn't bother me because I like how the light falls on the tree and in front of the barn. You might try skewing the left side of the barn straight, but a great shot as is. I like it.
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
I like your last version best. The skew helps but also I think your overall editing has improved as well. The dodged area is no longer applied just in the immediate fg but rather spreads out naturally across the green. There is a more natural look to the whole image and it works.
Rod - the only thing I could nit pick on is that the top of the tree comes too close to the edge of the frame. Otherwise, really neat looking shot. The colors are very saturated here. The area is alive although the barn is old and decrepit.
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
What a wonderful shot!! I love it, the setting, the colors, the layout. I love how the tree seems to be highlighted, and that you included it in its entirety. I don't think there's anything wrong with the lighting of the barn, and actually prefer the first picture posted.
Hey thx everyone for the responses.
Cara, I think the lighting on the tree does grab you more.
Greg, it was all I could do to get that much of the tree in the frame including some limb cuttage through cloning.
Lori, I have a few more tweaks to try..
E.L.I how do you feel about the left side of barn being straightened somewhat...The 1st definately gave more character.
Thanks Sharon, I had a pretty good week in Ga and Tenn. and have more pics to come from the trip.