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Thread: it's here....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    it's here....

    Hey, just thought you all might like to know that my "new" Nikon FA arrived today. It seems to be in mint condition except for a small mark on the body, and a bit of dust in the finder. I ran down to pictureline for a battery and cable release and I'm in the process of putting my first roll of film through it. This is the first real film that I've shot. I just picked up some Tri-X 400 to get a feel for the metering. The first really big thing that has struck me is the viewfinder shutter. Why the hell did they stop making that?! It is SO much more convenient than that cheesy dumb little plastic cap that I always loose now. And the viewfinder is HUGE!! Is that because I'm actually using the full image from the lens? Oh, and one more question. Can I use an SB-600 on the FA? I'd read somewhere a while ago about some problem using old and new flash and body. But I can't remember if the problem was old flash/new body, or new flash/old body. It was something to do with excess voltage frying circuits. Thanks, and I'll get some shots up once this roll is processed.

    Oh, and here's a quick shot of the new baby:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails it's here....-msm_2856sm.jpg  

  2. #2
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    Damn, that is a beauty Congrats on the new camera. What did you end up paying for that again and what condition did KEH have it listed as? I'm not sure about the flash issue. Might want to check with the guys in the Nikon forum in case they don't see it here.

    Now we need to get you processing your own film
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  3. #3
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    Re: it's here....

    It was listed as EX and was $265 before shipping. The only blemish I've found is the tiny one on top of the prism housing just above the little LCD illumination window. And I will throw a new topic up on the Nikon forum.

    I should be processing film soon. We're doing photograms tomorrow, and then I think we'll actually start working with film next week.

  4. #4
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    Photograms? Thats awesome! Sounds like this is going to be one fun class. Good luck, have a blast, and keep us posted on your progress

    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  5. #5
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    Re: it's here....

    Yep, should be a cool class. The instructor seems to be pretty laid back. I think he'll let me explore a lot of ideas.

    Speaking of which, my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to see if my 18-70 DX would fit on the FA. It does. There is VERY strong falloff, and the sides are just plain cutoff. But it still goes significantly wider than it does on digital. In aperture priority it was simply shooting at the min. aperture. This could still end up being useful though. However, in program mode, it shot with a normal shutter speed. I don't know the detail of how it controls aperture. It may just be working differently and the shots will be black. But I'm really excited to see how these shots come out. GAH! Film is awesome. Why didn't I start this before now?!

  6. #6
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    Quote Originally Posted by WCpilot
    ...Why didn't I start this before now?!
    I ask myself the same question...LOL

    With the DX lenses, the only way to control aperture with those is when used with a body that has aperture controls. With the FA it will only shoot either wide open or completely stopped down. I'm not sure which. I'm sure the guys in the Nikon forum could tell you for sure. If you want a wide angle zoom for cheap, I just realized that my Tokina 20-35mm works on my Nikkormat FT3. Should work fine on the FA and is full frame as well. They can be had for cheap on Ebay or KEH has an EX condition one for like $89.
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  7. #7
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    WC, that's a very nice looking "new" camera you got there. I'm always glad to see someone so excited about a film camera. They just don't make them like they used to. The viewfinder is so nice, isn't it? I use a rangefinder mostly, but I also use a Minolta X-370, and now it seems to hurt my eye to look through the viewfinder on my D70s.

    I asked almost the same question recently about using an SB-600 on an older camera, and here's what I learned. There should be no sync voltage issues like there are using old flashes on newer cameras. BUT, you will have to use it in manual mode. No TTL with that camera, and you're only other option is Auto mode, which relies on a sensor that Nikon decided to leave off the SB-600 (the SB-800 has one though). So, if you have a flash meter, or you want to do the guide number calculations, it should work. Otherwise, you'd be better off with a different flash.

    Good luck with it. I'm looking forward to seeing some photos.


  8. #8
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    Re: it's here....

    Hmm, I might have to take a look at one of those. I may hold off though. My next big lens purchase is going to be a 17-35mm 2.8. So I could probably survive a few months with just a crippled DX lens.

    And just an update. I just got back from working on photograms. And it is pretty much the coolest thing on earth to see the image coming up in the developer. I think I've officially fallen for film.

  9. #9
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    Re: it's here....

    photophorous, thanks. It has handled very well so far. I still can't get over the viewfinder. I also brought up the flash issue in the Nikon forum, and anotherview mentioned the TTL issue also. Could you help me with the guide number calculations. I've seen it before, but I can't remember for the life of me. Or I guess I could get off my lazy butt and look it up too. In any case, it will probably be something good to know. A flash meter would be awesome, but that is a purchase that is a ways off for me.

  10. #10
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    WC, is this what you are looking for?
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  11. #11
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    Re: it's here....

    That's exactly it. Thanks!

  12. #12
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    Quote Originally Posted by Xia_Ke
    With the DX lenses, the only way to control aperture with those is when used with a body that has aperture controls.
    Actually what you're describing is the "G" part of a lot of (but possibly not all) DX lenses.

    G = no aperture ring; aperture is controlled from the camera body - an F100 will do this.

    DX = imaging circle designed for a 1.5x digital sensor, chances are at the widest settings the image won't cover the film and you'll have a black area. An FA has about a 92%(?) viewfinder so you should see most of this by looking through it, but I wouldn't trust it completely. Go to the point that it doesn't vignette, and then go a few more mm's. I've heard on the Nikon 12-24 that this is works out to around 18-20mm but haven't tried it personally, and haven't heard about this with the 18-70.

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  13. #13
    Film Forum Moderator Xia_Ke's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    Thank you very much for the correction a_v :thumbsup: Sorry for the confusion :blush2:
    Aaron Lehoux * flickr
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  14. #14
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    Quote Originally Posted by WCpilot
    The first really big thing that has struck me is the viewfinder shutter. Why the hell did they stop making that?! It is SO much more convenient than that cheesy dumb little plastic cap that I always loose now.
    Actually, I don't think they did - it's always been on their "F" series cameras. I haven't had an F3 or earlier but pretty sure they've had it (not sure on the original F) but the F4 and F5 had it; F6 probably does as well. My F100 didn't, so I was surprised the FA had one since at the time it was the camera that was one level down from the pro camera (like the F100 to the F5).

    I inherited a FA awhile back and did put a roll of film in it a couple weeks ago. Seems to work just fine and it's probably only about the tenth roll in this camera (really). I'll bet it's been close to 20 years since the shutter moved on it (found the 1986 receipt and all) so I'm a little concerned - but we'll see...

  15. #15
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    Quote Originally Posted by WCpilot
    I We're doing photograms tomorrow, and then I think we'll actually start working with film next week.
    You really are getting basic.
    This is GOOD!
    Have fun with your class!
    Is the instructor David Baddley?
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  16. #16
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: it's here....

    Wooo. An FA! That was my first Nikon, which I bought in 1984 (I think.. it might have been 85). Did you know this was the first camera to you matrix metering!? AMP they called it. Great little camera, I took it all over the place including all over Europe and mounted to my helmet while making skydiving jumps.

    Unfortunately, in late summer of 1999 I went out to the Anza-Borrego desert and left it on my passenger seat for half an hour while I took a short stroll in ~ 100 F heat. When I came back I realized that I left it in the sun -- the poor camera had gotten too hot, and was never the same. The chip was apparently damaged and it would randomly give me incorrect exposures. I went out and got a used Nikon FE and then ordered a Nikon F-100 in 2000. I think a camera store actually paid me $100 for the broken FA, saying that it could be fixed and that there was a market for them (interesting...). I look at the shots I took with it and its 35-105mm zoom and say, damn, most of them are better than what I take now!

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  17. #17
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    Re: it's here....

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbbrian
    Is the instructor David Baddley?
    Yep, I got into David's class. I think he is going to turn out to be pretty cool. And I'm now on a first name basis with one of the guys down at pictureline. I got quite a bit of attention from the older guys there when I walked in with an FA, haha.

    Anyway, the photograms were very cool. I think I may keep working on those from time to time to work on composition.

    And GB1, I think that I am very quickly falling in love with this camera. One of the reasons I bought it was for the early matrix metering. I'm curious to see how well it works. And I'll be sure not to let mine boil, haha.

    It's amazing how much more visceral photography is becoming for me too. I am beginning to understand why many pro's resisted digital in it's early days.

  18. #18
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: it's here....

    Wow! What a beauty. Looks like a mint condition from here, right down to the unworn "passed" sticker.

    I'd buy it too. As part of a collection...not to run film through it though Not now at least. But who knows.
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  19. #19
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    Re: it's here....

    The FA was a sweet camera. I bought an FE2 before the FA came out but I never regretted this as the FE2 was a great camera, too.

    Find yourself a Nikon SB16b (I think - the F3 used the SB16a which has a different mounting foot). I use a newer SB24 with my FE2 and it works just fine. Using the SB24 on my D70 is either going to be manual or auto.

  20. #20
    Junior Member
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    Re: it's here....

    WOW, that looks like it just came out the box new ...

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