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Nice shot AE :thumbsup: I'm going to go the opposite way from above in that I like the sky. The difference in the clouds on the left and the clouds on the right adds character and a bit of drama to what would otherwise be fairly mellow shot. I think I might play just a bit more with the tree stump to get it to pop more against the grass, just nitpicking there though. Well done
Aaron Lehoux * flickr
Please do not edit my photos, thank you.
I like them both because of the foreground-I'd even like to see more of the bent over grass. I do think that the sky in your second image is somewhat better.
Right away I noticed that the very strong horizon line really cuts the image in half and it sort of bothers me but I don't see how this image would work if the horizon was higher or lower because both the sky and foreground are important.
I like either sky, but I do find the strong horizon a little distracting. It's such a clear division between sky and ground that it almost feels like two images put together. Nice B&W.