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  1. #1
    Member Shooter Tiff's Avatar
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    Dare you to eat it!

    OK so I need some opinion. I have a thing for this shot, I really like it. Now the thing is the only other person I have shown it to (my boyfriend) does not like it. Now I need some real honest criticism, don't be afraid to hurt my feelings. I'm a big girl, I can take it! What could I have done better? Should I try again or is this even an interesting enough thing to bother taking a picture of... can there be something that is not interesting enough to take a picture of.... my head is spinning:crazy:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Dare you to eat it!-berry.jpg  

  2. #2
    Senior Member AgingEyes's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    Perhaps it has something to do with the composition of your photo?

    He doesn't like berry at all?

    Why do you like this particular photo?

    Would the following photo interested you?

    Name:  Interesting.jpg
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  3. #3
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    Tiff, I think your subject here is great. . .the lone berry on the vine. The sharpness and lighting on it is good and the blurry out of focus vine works. I think there is too much space here to the left side. That vertical vine going up on the left is not needed, just the diagonal one on the right. I would try cropping this image almost in half eliminating the vertical vine on the left and having the other on the right coming up out of the lower left corner of the new frame. This really brings into focus the berry as the powerful, yet simple subject. Less is more.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!


    Just gave you the response I was about to write. Needs a severe trim and then it will rock.

    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

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  5. #5
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    I agree that Gary's idea on the crop would help this picture a lot.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

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  6. #6
    MB1 is offline
    The Skeptical Photographer MB1's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    One of the great things a photographer can do when taking macro shots is to carry a little spray bottle to add some water droplets to images like this. That would really bring out the spider web that seems to be in there somewhere. Can't do that to this image but something to remember in the future......

    BTW I too think a crop would help but I don't think this image is good enough so that even the best crop in the world would make that much of a difference.
    No, I DON'T need that.

  7. #7
    Member Shooter Tiff's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    Thank you for responding!
    I like this pic because everything looks dead and gone except this one plump berry. I like your pic too AgingEyes but it has a much different feel than what I was going for. I tried the crop and I kinda like the way it looks.
    And thanks MB1 I think I needed that I am too attached to this photo for my own good.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Dare you to eat it!-berry-crop.jpg  

  8. #8
    Senior Member AgingEyes's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter Tiff
    Thank you for responding!
    I like this pic because everything looks dead and gone except this one plump berry. I like your pic too AgingEyes but it has a much different feel than what I was going for.
    Actually, I was trying to show you that an interesting subject could make a photo interesting sometimes, and find out why some photos interest you and why some don't. The photo I show is just a test shot, a crop out of a photo I used to test the sharpness of one of my lenses. It does look sharp, eh, even without any post-processing other than re-sizing. Colors look good, too ;-) :-) And the subjects in that photo are hardly perfect and good-looking. I mean, look at those leaves...

    I tried the crop and I kinda like the way it looks. And thanks MB1 I think I needed that I am too attached to this photo for my own good.
    I think I kind of agree with MB1. I tried several crops of your photo and I couldn't come up with one that I like in particular. Sorry ;-(

    But, if you have Photoshop or the like, you may be able to make some fancy image out of it ;-)

  9. #9
    Member Shooter Tiff's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    So I have learned that I have so much yet to learn. I think that the best thing for me would be to spend some time looking at some other peoples photos. Maybe to see what works and what doesn't then maybe I can start to better see what my photos are missing.

  10. #10
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter Tiff
    So I have learned that I have so much yet to learn. I think that the best thing for me would be to spend some time looking at some other peoples photos. Maybe to see what works and what doesn't then maybe I can start to better see what my photos are missing.
    No - the best thing you can do is keep posting your pics to see what critique you get and that will help you improve even faster and become more critical of your own work.

    Another thing is to critique other people's photos saying why you like something or why you don't like it which will speed the process even more.

    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

    My Web Site:

    Canon 5D; EF100-400 F4.5-5.6L IS USM; EF24-70 F2.8L USM 50mm F1.8 II; EF 100 F2.8 Macro
    Canon Powershot Pro 1; Canon Ixus 100

  11. #11
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    Tiff,the crop looks great. I really like the lighting behind the berry causing it to glow and it was definetly a worthy subject. Roger is right, do not sit around looking at other pics but rather keep shooting, posting images for comments, and commenting and critiquing others works as well. Thinking about why someone elses image works or does not is very helpful as well as hearing what suggestions and comments others have to say about your own.
    we look forward to seeing more from you.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  12. #12
    Senior Member AgingEyes's Avatar
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    Re: Dare you to eat it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter Tiff
    So I have learned that I have so much yet to learn. I think that the best thing for me would be to spend some time looking at some other peoples photos. Maybe to see what works and what doesn't then maybe I can start to better see what my photos are missing.
    Keep in mind though weather one likes a photo or not could be subjective. There're things that generally agreed make a photo good. Then there're things that people would have different opinions on. Don't shoot photos simply to please others, unless you're trying to sell your photos. You can't please everybody. Please yourself first.

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