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Thread: Girls Soccer

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    poulsbo, wa, usa

    Girls Soccer

    Trying to figure out how to post my photo correctly and comments on shot appreciated.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Girls Soccer-img_1880tight.jpg  

  2. #2
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Girls Soccer

    hey plehmann,

    Not bad. correctly focused, action frozen, all the good stuff, though it doesn't look to be a "peak of the action" shot. dodge the girls face a bit to bring out the detail and it should look a bit better and more captivating.

    watch your backgrounds too. I know it's very hard to clean them out, but do as best as possible. Cars unfortunately don't make the best backgrounds, but I have my share of them in my BGs as well.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2007
    poulsbo, wa, usa

    Re: Girls Soccer


    What does "dodge the girls face a bit" mean? Also, by "clean up" do you mean post process it out, or work very hard to not have it in the background when shooting?

    Thanks for the advice.


  4. #4
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    Re: Girls Soccer

    dodging is something that can be done in photoshop. It refers to the original darkroom technique where the printer would move a piece of paper or material over the area of the paper being exposed in order to prevent as much light from getting to it, therefore making that part of the image lighter than the rest. The same can be done in photoshop, and much easier. if you have PS, the dodge button is a circle at the end of a line (shaped like a dodging tool).

    with backgrounds, you just need to get them right when you shoot them. try to get them as distraction-free as possible. I usually try to shoot down the field in order to get a good blur on the players in the bg, shoot into the stands so you get fans, or into trees so they are relatively the same color, and nothing detracts from the players. and AVOID cars. nothing kills a shot like 5 reflections of the sun off the cars in the background.

  5. #5
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    KY, USA

    Re: Girls Soccer

    Nice pic Peter. Brent has some very good advice. He is a master at the field sports. I still struggle a lot with soccer so I'd be very proud of a picture like you posted.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

    "A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.

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