I got a loaner Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM lens. Since the XTi was so cheap and small I wanted to compliment it with a wider and better lens than the kit lens. I went to the camera store and checked out the [url=http://www.photographyreview.com/sf-1/befid-96323/pid-25263906/productreviewscrx.aspx?dnatrs=zoom_lens-tamron-less_than_25]Tamron 11-18mm f/4.5-5.6[/url[ and this one. And then Canon agreed to loan me the 10-22mm for the annual bike tradeshow that I have to shoot next week.
I think they've made a sale. This lens costs considerably more than I planned to spend. But it's a beauty. It's sturdier than I expected, the auto focus seems really quick and accurate, and best of all - no distortion. I've never had a wide angle lens that doesn't bend straight lines towards the edges of the frame. Well, I think my 20mm f/2.8 doesn't, but it's nowhere near this wide. If you do the math - 10mm x 1.6 - the wide of end of this lens is equivalent to 16mm on a 35mm camera. That's just a hair longer than my 15mm fisheye, but without the distortion. I'm psyched!
Photo is of member and PhotographyREVIEW.com developer cr_mmurillo, in his cube. He just bought a Sony Alpha digital SLR and he's hooked on photography :thumbsup: