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  1. #1
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    Photoshop Techniques

    Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!

    Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.

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  2. #2

    Re: Photoshop Techniques

    Photoshop is very good software for a photographer. I am a starter in Photoshop so, can you advice me nice material for learning Photoshop.

  3. #3
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    Re: Photoshop Techniques

    That's fantastic. I wish I had the patience and perseverance to make something as remarkable as that

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: Photoshop Techniques

    These are my photoshop recipes for jpeg manipulation-they all work from CS(1) upwards:

    . Digital darkroom Basics

    IMPORTANT: Always view images at 100%

    a) Check Levels -(Histogram)

    b) At 100% (Actual Pixels) check for:

    - Noise (Chroma-colour noise)

    - Image> Mode> LAB Colour> Channels
    Channel “a” Gaussian blur 5 pixels
    Channel “b” Gaussian blur 5 pixels
    Channel “lightness” Filter> noise> despeckle
    Image> Mode> RGB colour

    -Noise (Luma -Grainy noise)

    -lasso area and apply smart blur at default setting (For small areas)
    -Or Ctrl+J
    -Smart blur-Then eraser tool to expose background features

    - Lateral chromatic aberration (fringing) Removal

    Ctrl+J select brush tool and click on the quick mask tool.
    Choose a brush size to match the width of the fringe.
    Draw all the areas that have fringing. When done, click icon next to quick mask
    Select> Inverse.
    Image> Adjustments> Hue/Saturation and pick the color closest to your fringe color Click eyedropper on the fringe color on your image.
    drag Saturation slider to the left until the fringing goes.
    Select> deselect

    Quick method for fringe elimination

    Using lasso tool select area with fringing
    Image> adjustments> Hue/Saturation
    De saturate fringe color
    Select> Deselect

    - Transverse chromatic aberration (Moire banding) Elimination

    - Filters/blur/Gaussian Blur at 1.5 pixels radius

    (Camera on tripod )
    Expose for highlights-take a shot
    Expose for shadows-take a shot
    Add highlight image to shadow image as a new layer (hold “shift” and drag move tool)
    Select> Color Range, Click “highlights” check “invert”, click “OK”
    Add layer mask.
    Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur 250 pixels.
    Flatten and save.

    - Local Contrast Enhancement

    Filter> sharpen> Unsharp Mask
    Amount 10
    Radius 50 pixels
    Threshold 0
    Flatten and save


    Filter> Sharpen> Unsharp mask
    Amount 30
    Radius 60 pixels
    Threshold 10
    Blend mode> Luminosity- Flatten

    - To sharpen - Smart sharpen

    Unsharp mask amount 18%
    Radius 40 pxls
    Threshold 0
    Unsharp mask amount 150%
    Radius 0.3 pxls
    Threshold 0
    Edit> fade Unsharp mask 100% Darken
    Unsharp mask amount 150%
    Radius 0.3 pxls
    Threshold 0
    Edit> fade Unsharp mask 50% Lighten

    - Smart sharpen ( Alternative)

    - To sharpen - Smart sharpen
    Select> All> Edit> Copy
    Channels> New channel (alpha 1)> Edit> paste
    Filter> Stylize> Find edges
    Ctrl+L move sliders for clean edges
    Filters> Blur Gaussian blur1.5 pixels
    Select> Load selection-Check “invert” click “ok”
    Select RGB channel
    View> Show> “selection edges” uncheck
    Filter> Sharpen> Unsharp mask- Amount 500
    Radius 0.2
    Threshold 0
    Select> deselect> dump alpha channel
    Blend mode “luminosity”

    - To lighten under-exposed images

    Blend mode Screen
    Adjust opacity to suit before flattening/save

    - To darken over-exposed images

    Blend mode Multiply
    Adjust opacity to suit before flattening/save

    - To Vignette portrait images

    Create an ellipse around subject, using elliptical Marquee tool
    Select> Inverse
    Feather radius 250 pixels
    Edit> Cut

    - To reduce skin redness in portraits

    Add new adjustment layer> selective color
    Set to Reds
    Click, hold drag magenta slider to left

    -To smooth skin in portraits

    Click on quick mask
    Brush tool 35 soft
    Press ”D” Paint face except for eyes, eyebrows and nostrils, and lips
    (If you go over the edges, press X and erase, then x again to continue…)
    Press “Q
    Select “inverse”
    Select> feather 10 pixels
    Filters> Blur> Gaussian Blur 3 pixels
    Filter> Noise> Add noise 2.5%
    “uniformed” and “monochrome” checked


    2. Window> Channels
    3. Red Channel
    4. Ctrl+A; Ctrl+C
    5. Lab Colour (Don’t Flatten)
    6. Channel> Lightness
    7. Ctrl+V
    8. Image> Mode> RGB (Don’t Flatten)
    9. Select top layer- Layer> Layer mask Reveal All
    10. Click on layer mask thumbnail
    11. Image> Apply Image
    12. Layer-background; channel red; “Invert” Ticked Blending-Multiply-opacity 100% Flatten and save.

    Polarizer (Alternative)

    1. Ctrl+J
    2. Mode> soft light-click “OK”
    3. Press ”D”
    4. Press ”G” for gradient tool - Select Black to transparent Linear gradient
    5. Mouse cursor at top of image, click-hold-drag down to horizon-release
    6. Click on background layer; Click, hold on b/w circle in layer palette
    7. Choose selective colour Cyan/magenta 100/100 (Cyans)
    Cyan/magenta 100/100 (Blues)

    8.Flatten and save

    Graduated Neutral Density Filter effect

    Add adjustment layer> levels
    Drag right slider to left
    Drag middle slider to left (These moves enable you to get the foreground how you want it)
    Press “D” or "X" to make foreground color black
    Press “G” for gradient
    Choose linear gradient -black to transparent-2nd icon from left
    Drag cursor from top of image down to horizon

    - Black & White conversion from colour #1

    Image> Calculations
    Background layer
    Background Layer
    New channel
    Image> Mode> Greyscale

    - To black & White Quadtone

    Image> Mode> Duotone
    Choose type: Quadtone
    Load> quadtones> pantones
    Select last option Bl 541 513 5773. Hit LOAD. Hit OK.
    Image> Mode> RGB Color

    - To convert to Black & White then selectively colourize

    New adjustment layer> Hue/Saturation
    F7 (or click on layer mask)
    Press ”D”
    Click on brush tool
    Brush over parts to colourize

    -To Isolate Objects against a white background:

    Photograph your object using any background, Then:

    a) Zoom in 200-300%.
    b) Use the pen selection tool to chart an exact path around the object.
    Get it perfect.
    c) Click on working path Icon in paths palette
    d) Select> Modify> Contract by 2 pixels.
    e) Select> modify> Smooth by 3-5 pixels.
    f) Select> Inverse-.
    g) Select> Feather by 0.2 - 0.5 pixels.
    h) Make sure foreground black/background white - Press Delete.
    You now have isolated object on white background.

    -To Correct Converging verticals

    "Select > All"
    "View > Fit on Screen"
    "View > Show > Grid" .
    "Edit > Transform > Perspective"
    Eight small squares will appear around the image edges.
    Using the Left mouse button select the small square
    at the top left or right corner and drag in the opposite
    direction to the way the verticals are tilting.


    1 duplicate layer,
    2. then select background copy layer and select background layer invisible
    3. select layer and go
    image -> adjustments -> Match color...
    4. then set luminance to 200 and color intensity to 1
    5. then select background layer to visible and take the eraser tool
    6 on "background copy" layer start delete the all what you want in real colors

    For landscapes

    Step one- To bring out detail

    1. Ctrl+J
    2. filter> other> high pass 1.7 pixels
    3. Change blend mode to "hard light"
    4. Ctrl+Shift+N
    5. Edit> Fill - black 100%
    6. Click on eraser tool-set brush size 300
    7. Click once in centre of blacked-out image
    8. change blend mode to "soft light" Adjust opacity to suit
    9. Flatten and save

    Step two- To enhance colors:

    1. Ctrl+J
    2. Image> adjustments> Match Color
    Luminance 119
    Color intensity 126
    3. Flatten/save

    - Soft light portrait

    Press ctrl+j to duplicate the layer and press shift +control +u to de-saturate the new layer.
    Click on Add layer mask button
    Click on layer mask thumbnail to active it and go to Image> Apply image :-
    Layer- merged
    Now, click on image thumbnail to active it. ( It is located just before the layer mask thumbnail ). Now do two things :-
    1. Go to filter> Blur> Gaussian blur and give 2.5 radius.
    2. Change the blending mode of the layer to Multiply.
    Duplicate this layer again and change its blending mode to Linear dodge. You now have soft light effect on your image. If you want more light than change the blending mode to Color Dodge.


    1. Ctrl+j
    2. New adjustment layer-Channel mixer
    Check "monochrome"
    3. Set Red to +100
    Green to +200
    Blue to -200
    Set constant to between 27 and 32
    Click “ok”
    Flatten and save.

    Faux F1.8 D.O.F.

    1. Ctrl+J ; Add a layer mask-Using Pen tool, draw a path around subject, Edit> fill Black 100%
    2. Selection> save selection, save to new channel
    3. Select gradient tool, black to white, linear
    4. From the area you want in focus, draw a line vertically downwards (1/3 in front;
    5. Using gradient tool again, layer mode Screen, drawing a line upwards 2/3ds behind)
    6. Channels-click on saved mask Ctrl+ click-select gradient mask, mask only
    7. Set background color to black. Ctrl+ backspace
    8. Click on original duplicated layer with its mask-name it “Gaussian Blur”
    9. Now select image-not mask.-Lock Transparency. click little chequerboard, at top of layer palette
    10. Filter> Blur> Gaussian blur 40-50 pixels
    11. Repeat step 8,but name layer “Lens Blur”-Filter> blur> lens blur, and in the dialogue box:
    12. “faster”, depth map source “layer mask” Blur focal distance-adjust to suit
    13. Set iris shape to number of diaphragm blades of your lens. Radius 100%
    14. Don’t play with “blade curvature or rotation” Brightness 2;Threshold 180
    15. Click Ok-Flatten and save

    Red eye Reduction
    Double click Quick mask icon
    Change masking color to green-opacity 60%
    Paint mask over eyes
    Click icon next to Quick mask
    Select> Inverse
    Image> adjustments> Desaturate
    Add new adjustment layer-Levels
    Move both input sliders towards the centre of the range until you are satisfied.
    Layers> Flatten image

    To Whiten Teeth

    Select quick mask icon
    Select brush tool 13 pixels soft
    Brush over teeth
    Click icon next to quick mask
    Select> Inverse
    Image> adjustments> Hue/Saturation -60
    Add new adjustment layer-Levels
    Click and drag right slider to left until whiteness looks good
    Flatten and save

    To “POP”Color Using Lab mode

    Here's how to "pop" the color using LAB (Lightness-Alpha-Beta; Not"Lab") color.

    Image>mode>Lab color

    Ctrl+ M -This brings up a grid-by holding the "Alt" button and clicking on the grid, you will get either large or small squares

    Press "alt" and click on grid to get small squares.

    Selecting Channel "a",Hold and drag cursor a short distance ( about one and a half squares-right to left) along top right corner of grid, and do the same to bottom left corner (left to right). Channel "a" allows you to fine tune reds and greens. Just adjust until the color is good for you.

    Repeat the exercise using channel "b"-this fine tunes the blues and yellows.

    When you have got it how you want: Click "OK"

    Image>Mode>RGB color

    Correcting Colour Balance

    Hover your mouse over a pure grey area on your image
    Use the info palette and note down the red green and blue values of the grey area
    average out the greys (r+g+b/3)
    Open a curves adjustment layer and select the red channel
    click anywhere on the curve line and then enter the original red value into the input box
    Enter averaged value in the output box
    Repeat last two steps for the green and blue channels
    Click ok and you're done


    1. Desaturate color

    Use either the hue/saturation or de-saturate command to remove all color from the image.

    2. Add monochrome noise (about 3-5%)

    3. Adjust levels

    This step can really add to the mood of the shot

    Overexpose Highlights

    move the highlight slider to the left

    Darken Shadows

    move the shadow slider a very small amount to the right - this will make the shadows a bit darker and increase the image contrast; ideally you should barely be able to detect some grain in the black areas.
    Adjust Mid-tones

    adjust the mid-tone slider to taste - affects the overall brightness of the image.

    Digital Velvia

    1. increase color saturation (optional)

    To further exaggerate the color, increase the saturation by a few percent.
    2. Sharpen (optional)

    3. add monochrome noise If you choose to add noise/film grain, try the "monochrome" noise option. this monochrome noise looks similar to the grain structure of some slide films.

    4. adjust brightness/contrast
    Increase the image contrast by a small amount - experiment with moving the brightness - also a slight amount.

    Copyright: © Kenneth William Caleno (Dip Phot) 2010 and beyond....

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Photoshop Techniques

    That's really awesome, love to see this. This ll really gonna help me out in many ways, i think so its a best tutorial among all of them, you have a nice threads, best way/ complete guide line to edit an complete image with all effects.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2014

    Re: Photoshop Techniques

    thanks for tutor
    Shoot Hunter

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Re: Photoshop Techniques

    Layer Shortcuts and Tasks

    Rename layers by double-clicking on the layer name.
    Change the transparency of a layer by changing its opacity with the Opacity slider, or typing a value into the Opacity box (which is visible when you have the Selection, Move, or Crop tools selected).
    Duplicate a selected layer by pressing Ctrl-J (Command-J on a Mac). You can also duplicate a layer by dragging it while pressing the Alt (Option) key.
    Select multiple layers by holding down Ctrl (Command on a Mac) and clicking the layer names. This forms a temporary link between the selected layers that allows you to move them as one unit, delete them all, and so on.
    You can also link layers together. Select layers by clicking on them while holding down Shift or Ctrl (Command on a Mac). Once you have selected all the layers you wish to link, click the Link Layers button at the bottom-left of the Layers palette (signified by the chain). Linking layers allows the link relationship to remain even after you select a different layer (unlike the process of simply selecting multiple layers).
    To unlink all the layers, select one of the linked layers and go to Layer > Unlink Layers. To unlink a single layer, select the layer you wish to remove from the link and click its corresponding link icon; the other layers will stay linked. To temporarily unlink a layer, hold down Shift and click on its link icon (a red “X” will appear over the link icon). Reactivate the link by holding down Shift and clicking the link icon again.
    Rearrange layers by dragging the layer above or below other layers. Use the “move down” shortcut Ctrl-[ (Command-[ on a Mac) and the "move up" shortcut Ctrl-] (Command-]) to move selected layers up and down. Shift-Ctrl-[ and Shift-Ctrl-] (Shift-Command-[ and Shift-Command-] on a Mac) will bring layers to the very top or the very bottom of the stack.
    Select a layer by using the keyboard shortcuts Alt-[ and Alt-] (Option-[ and Option-] on a Mac). These keystrokes let you move up and down through the layers in the Layers palette.
    Create a new layer by pressing Shift-Ctrl-N (Shift-Command-N on a Mac). This will bring up the New Layer dialog box. Want to create new layers quickly without having to deal with the dialogue box? Simply press Shift-Ctrl-Alt-N (Shift-Command-Option-N).
    android, technology, internet, software, download, how to, windows.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2019

    Re: Photoshop Techniques

    That might be a good technique. But need the patience to do it.

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