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    drg is offline
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    Lightbulb Lightroom 3 Setup(s)

    There are several subtle changes along with the 'biggies' in Adobe Lightroom 3. While converting and checking out all the conversions and functionality these new and old important items came up:

    Under the File Handling Tab of the Preferences option from the Edit Pull Down from the top bar of Lightroom

    1. Varying the setting for 'Camera RAW Cache Settings' may improve your multi-tasking speed a lot. Lightroom is built to allow editing and sorting to continue while various output operation are going on and how much space for the RAW previews is allotted will make a huge difference when switching back and forth between various images. Using a second display for previews or compares can be greatly augmented with this parameter depending on hardware and software obviously. The Red circled default Max setting of 1GB is shown and can be increased or decreased. This was first available in LR2.x.

    2. In the same Screen Shot Illustration underlined in Red is the File Name Generation options. There is new added functionality throughout Lightroom 3 in the entire Metadata/file Handling/sorting Database and this is one place that a series of important tweaks can be made. Note the options in the Pull Down Menu regarding Space Handling in File names. Important as it can alter your file name unexpectedly!

    NOTE: The big Purge Cache button! Very handy to free up space when working with a large number of images and Virtual Copies.

    There is also a change in Keyword Entry with a delimiter option for Commas or Spaces under the Interface Tab of the Preferences option from the Edit Pull Down from the top bar of Lightroom.

    Circled in Red and arrowed is the important option.

    NOTE: The option for Auto-complete Text in Keyword Tags field will aid in adding to or sorting similar Keyword sets if enabled as it is by default!

    Watch for potential updates on these topics!
    CDPrice 'drg'
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  2. #2
    drg is offline
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    LR Preview Optimization and Thumbnails

    LIGHTROOM 3 Thumbnail & Preview Notes

    The thumbnail preview and full size or 1:1 preview data is kept together in one file with named ' [ catalog_name ] .lrdata '. It can and will grow to a rather enormous size depending upon Catalog Settings under File Handling. These options are found under the top bar Edit pull down menu or by using the key combination Ctrl-Alt-, as a MS-Windows keyboard shortcut.

    Options for saving the full size/1:1 previews range from One Day to Never discard. There's some smaller savings from altering the Standard Preview size, but it is only significant after several thousand images. If you have that many images, Preview size is in the noise on what is most likely a large drive or two or more!

    The decision about how frequently to discard previews is based on how much time you want to dedicate to regenerating those image previews. Remember, these are the images you look at and work with in any module from the database of edited changes. If you are working with a portion of the catalog frequently or regularly, you may not want to discard those previews daily or weekly! Doing so means that more time will be spent re-rendering previews for frequently used images. Globally synced adjustments that may alter several files and will need to be re-gen'd in the background frequently will also change the discard frequency decision.

    If you are adding files and making only a few adjustments and then not looking at them for a while more frequent discarding of previews may be the an option.

    There's a trade off in space and processing speed. LR3 is much faster, certainly in a 64-bit system with lots of memory, and works more efficiently in the background but after 50-100 thousand images it can noticeably change in perceived performance. Continuously regenerating previews will slow performance and if disk space isn't at a premium, re-generate the previews less frequently and discard less often for speedier work.

    Processing of preview images will be stopped or altered temporarily by switching to an image that hasn't yet had or needs a new 1:1 generated. When completed with the new preview for the 'current' image, LR will return to background operations, but performance changes can be noticed and optimizing certain of these above issues including the Cache size mentioned in the first entry of this post will improve performance.

    NOTE: Lightroom generates its own previews! Even with Camera RAW files that contain an embedded thumbnail, Lightroom will still generate its own preview. That preview in some cases will initially look very different than the JPEG from the camera. It is a different interpretation of data. Of course Lightroom will refine some of these thumbnail/other previews to settings that have been established as part of the setup.

    This is important to know for users who have recently switched from a Camera Vendor RAW processing program that may just display the internal thumbnail initially. There's nothing wrong with your camera suddenly or with the new Software! It is just the way this works to get you the best possible initial image quickly.

    IF THIS IS A PROBLEM: Go to the Camera Calibration Panel (right hand side of the screen near the bottom) in the Develop Module and select Camera Standard profile. This will make the previews match the Camera's potential JPEG output at default settings.

    Note for Cache Size Optimization: There have been reports of users setting the RAW Cache size in the double digit Gigabyte range and seeing immediate improvement in performance. At this time I would experiment cautiously depending upon Operating System used. How this large amount of Cache space may affect other operations hasn't yet been clarified to my satisfaction through official ADOBE channels.
    CDPrice 'drg'
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