I cannot believe how much the price has dropped on these quality of scanner. The Coolscan V is 4000 dpi, high DR, and pretty fast too. You can get it new for about $600! As I move to digital capture (away from film capture and scan), this strikes me as an extremely cost-effective way to scan my old slides when I want to print them or archive them. Even the MF 9000 is only $2000 now. Used to be the high end 35mm model was slightly more than $2000.

Kind of cool to see how the maturation of this technology has now hit a peak and the prices plummet. The same thing will happen with DSLRs. Right now, DSLRs are at the stage where film scanners where 3 or 4 years ago in terms of maturity of the technologies used. Makes me want to keep on using film for a little while longer and then in a year or two, buy a camera that puts to shame what's out there now (and is less expensive than what's out there now to boot).

Makes you realize just how young some of these DSLR camera technologies are.