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  1. #1
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Perryville, MD

    MacOS Security Alert

    All Mac users should be aware of the more than 20 patches for critical security flaws. Now that Macs run on Intel, security issues will be a continuing effort, something most Mac users are not used to. Its not a big deal, but MacOS is no longer being ignored. I am very surprised that MacOS does not have a built in updating program. I thought I had heard about one.


    Apple released over 20 security updates to fix vulnerabilities in its Mac OS X. The patches range from improved Bluetooth security to fixing exploits in file archiving and/or image viewing that can lead to system crashes, DoS attacks, and arbitrary code execution.

    If you are a Mac OS X user, head to the Apple Downloads site

    to get the patches. Information is located at:

    This is just information and does not endorse any one platform. :-}
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Check out our D300 Pro Review! deckcadet's Avatar
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    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    There is a built in updater...its called (can you guess) software update and is accessed via the little apple menu on the menu bar.

    I suggest all mac users set software update system preferences to run daily or weekly and to download updates in the background and notify when they are ready to be installed.

    I'm very pleased about how good Apple has been staying on top of these.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli
    I am very surprised that MacOS does not have a built in updating program. I thought I had heard about one.
    It's been there since OS 9, dawg.

  4. #4
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Perryville, MD

    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    FWIW, the latest security fixes don't address the exploit in MacOS wireless drivers. Two hackers, the video tape of their efforts being released today, broke into root access of a Mac in less than one minute. This is roughly the same exploit that was already used successfully on Windows and Linux machines.

    The point being made here is not that Macs are bad. Its just that Apples attempt to boost sales makes it a more satisfying target to the lunatics out there. Mac users have been extremely lax about security accepting the Apple philosophy of "Be Happy, Don't Worry." That used to be one advantage of being number 3 in the marketplace. MacOS holes have always existed, but now hackers are getting interested. What will be needed to change Mac users "warm and comfy" feeling, still be promoted by Apple in their latest ads, to "be prepared"? Things will be getting a lot worse.

    Several references provided on Slashdot.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli
    Things will be getting a lot worse.
    I'm terrified.

    Apple regularly issues patches for their software. This is the 4th security update this year.

    Until it is demonstrated that the wireless exploit is something practical, and doesn't require software or hardware configurations that literally no one uses, I'm not going to lose any sleep over this latest Mac vulnarability revalation.

  6. #6
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    Now that Macs run on Intel, security issues will be a continuing effort
    I think the Intel CPU thing is a red herring.
    Are these vulnerabilities only for the O/S and Intel CPU?
    Or are they general O/S vulnerabilities that are being exploited?
    Maybe Macs are getting more attention from hackers because they found a soft target.
    And if they are networked they can be used as remote sources for a DoS attack, rather than for the information that's on them.

    Glad to see Apple take security updates as seriously as MIcrosoft.

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  7. #7
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Perryville, MD

    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    Quote Originally Posted by Erik Stiegler
    I'm terrified.

    Apple regularly issues patches for their software. This is the 4th security update this year.

    Until it is demonstrated that the wireless exploit is something practical, and doesn't require software or hardware configurations that literally no one uses, I'm not going to lose any sleep over this latest Mac vulnarability revalation.
    What is scary is that none of my four friends with Macs worry about, or even heard about, the updates! Their attitude, regardless of what I tell them, is that Macs are invunerable. This is the same lax attitude that forced MS to make the update function on Windows automatic by default. Perhaps Apple will have to do the same.

    By the way, 4 security updates this year is a good thing! Better to fix problems when they occur. Linux is still the champ with updates, sometimes 4 -5 in a single week from Mandriva.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  8. #8
    Erstwhile Vagabond armed with camera Lionheart's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli
    What is scary is that none of my four friends with Macs worry about, or even heard about, the updates! Their attitude, regardless of what I tell them, is that Macs are invunerable. This is the same lax attitude that forced MS to make the update function on Windows automatic by default. Perhaps Apple will have to do the same.

    By the way, 4 security updates this year is a good thing! Better to fix problems when they occur. Linux is still the champ with updates, sometimes 4 -5 in a single week from Mandriva.
    Long time Mac users aren't used to having to worry about the state of their computer. I've got my wife's MacBook Pro set to automatically download the updates, and we run the install regularly as they become available (which seems to be getting more frequent since we first got the Mac). As a longtime Wintel user, I'm used to losing sleep over the well being of my PC's and my network, so I tend to watch my wife's new Mac as well. It is alarming that the Mac is not as invulnerable as I had wanted to believe, so researching security software for our Mac is now a high priority on my ever growing task list.
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  9. #9
    Make yourself a dang quesadilla! OBie's Avatar
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    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    Well rats. Today I received my first ever Mac and was thrilled to think that I won't have to use that memory hogging NIS. I've set my updates to be retrieved regularly. Thanks for the info.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    Now you need to switch to macOS Sonoma. It's already available.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: MacOS Security Alert

    Apple today announced its new line of macOS i.e. macOS Sonoma 14.0. A copy of macOS Sonoma. Packed full of exciting features and improvements, this new version of the Mac operating system promises to redefine the way you interact with your Mac. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a casual user, the appeal of macOS 14 is undeniable. You can download the macOS Sonoma ISO and start using the new operating system.

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