Getting a new computer
I have had several PC's over the years and have had a problem with each of them. Everyone I talk to that has a Mac, never seems to have any trouble and swears that they would never use anything else. I am going to give Mac a try and see how it goes. The one I will be ordering Monday is in the link below and has the one terabyte hard drive in it. If Mac's are as great as everyone says I should be a happy Mac owner soon, Jeff
Re: Getting a new computer
That looks interesting. I thought it was just a display but everything is packed into the stand. Not expandable but then your old portable wasn't either.
Apple make "closed" systems where they control just about everything that goes into the system. It all works, the quality is consistent and if that's enough for you then that's fine. Of course you pay more for it but it's nicely designed and Apple users love it all.
Re: Getting a new computer
I found out while in Germany that Apple is such a niche market the specialist support people can charge a fortune for services. Unlike PC support where it's a mass market.
If it works, it's great, our designers and marketing department loved their Macs.
But integrating them to the rest of the non-mac enterprise was a specialist job that our Windows/Intel support people just could not understand.
I nearly got one myself, but don't look forward to replacing my software.
Re: Getting a new computer
This computer comes with a program called parallel that lets you use any PC software on the Mac and also use Mac software at the same time. A friend of mine has this software on his and can open up a program in each system and drag items from one to the other on his screen and says he can run any of his PC software, and that the PC programs actually run faster on his Mac. The reason I am getting the one terabyte hard drive is because it cannot be done latter. There are ports on the back side to hookup external hard drives and monitors, Jeff
One of my friends that has been using Mac's told me that he has never had a problem with any of his and said that he has one that he bought in 1986 that still works fine but just won't work with the newer software.
Re: Getting a new computer
I would always use external drives, or network storage for my work, rather than the built-in system disk. Second best is the second internal drive for temporary files.
All my photos are on the NAS (network attached storage) backed up on the second NAS and from 2008 backed up on the 3rd NAS as well.
Lightroom catalogs are backed up from the second internal disk to the NAS, and again to the second NAS.
I never had a problem with the Macs, only with their connection to the rest of the world, that was always flaky. Now with the latest OS it may be more stable.
Office use was a problem, because of the lack of decent software, Microsoft Office was never great - lagging years behind the PC and just not well written.
Mac filename conventions always screwed us, with special characters in names that crashed our tape backup software, or folder names that were unreadable from PCs.
Over the years things have become more interoperable, which is why I was thinking of trying a Mac.
Re: Getting a new computer
Apple's market is individuals, especially artists who appreciate good design. Apple devices can coexist with office business systems (i.e. Windows servers) but they are not intended to integrate as well as systems intended for business use.
In my current client the Marketing department is saying they absolutely must have an iPad to do their customer presentations. We are bending all sorts of security rules to let them connect their iPad to the network and communicate with the mail system over 3G. If a normal user comes in with an iPad/iPhone or an Android device he is told to ask for a Blackberry.
Grandpaw is a home user with no need to connect to a Corporate network so an Apple system seems OK. I hope so because if anything goes wrong with it I haven't got a clue about how to fix it (unlike a PC).
Re: Getting a new computer
Yeah, having been a windows user since version 0.95 I know how to fix those systems.
So Mac is far outside my comfort zone.
As someone who brings (too much) work home I need MS Office interoperability, if not compatibility, and VPN/RDP connectivity at 1920x1200.
But as a home system I think it has a lot going for it today, I'm being persuaded.
My race driver friend and his family are all Mac users, from the iCrack in his pocket (he broke the screen) through the iPad and several laptops.
I can't justify a 5th computer at the moment.
Re: Getting a new computer
I use a MacBook Pro for myself and Window PCs at our college. For years, I have had absolutely no problems moving back and forth between the PC and Mac versions of Office. This includes hundreds and hundreds of documents.
Mac does have problems just like every other high-tech device. For example, look at
on Apples own website.
IMHO, what I have noticed is that Windows has a more powerful and nicer-looking GUI but Windows also requires huge amounts of babysitting and maintenance to keep it working. The Registry is a total disaster. MacOS stays out of the way and does its job. I'd suggest getting Mac software rather than using your Mac as a Windows emulator.
Re: Getting a new computer
My wife bought me a 21.5" iMac for Christmas. much like the one you linked to. It was a surprise for me so I didn't have any input in the purchase. Once I checked the specs, we returned the Mac for a full refund. The specs really weren't that much better than what I'm currently running on my PC which I bought for 1/3 the price of the Mac. I haven't had any issues with PC otherwise I may have kept the Mac, but for the same money, I could have had one hell of a nice PC. Something else I didn't like about the Mac was that according to the sales person my wife talked to, I would have to reformat all of my current external HD's in order to use them on the Mac. This is not something I wanted to deal with at all and played a roll in the decision to return it. Another reason for returning the Mac was that all of my current software is for a PC. I didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to get a Mac license for my software. I also figured that if I was going to use a Mac as a Window's emulator, I might as well spend that money on a nice Window's machine.
Don't get me wrong, I love Macs. I use a very nice Mac Pro desktop system at my regular job and I love it. If I could afford to switch to a Mac at home, I would, but when it comes to being on a budget, I can get much more bang for my buck out of a PC. As far as switching platforms goes, I haven't had any problems at all. Put me in front of either machine and I'm equally at home.
Good luck with your new purchase!
Re: Getting a new computer
You do not have to reformat external drives. I use four external drives, one FAT32, three NTFS that are constantly interchanged between Windows and Macs.
As with cameras, do not believe anything a salesman tells you!
Oh yeah, the disclaimer: the college I work at provides both Windows and Mac software under site license. The amount of software I actually had to buy (rather than wanted to buy!) was minimal.
Re: Getting a new computer
Jeff, consider a RAM upgrade if you're using Parallels. 4GB RAM means 2GB for Windows and 2GB for Mac. It's not quite that cut and dried, but essentially...... Consider your minimum RAM needs based on splitting the RAM.
I recently installed Microsoft Office 2010 (an upgrade from 2007) on the Windows side of my machine and have had no problems.
No, you do not need to reformat external drives.
Yes, Macs ave a higher up-front cost. But that is normally recouped in terms of low maintenance and longevity. Having the same company control both hardware and software is a mixed blessing, but the last time anyone had to upgrade hardware to run an Apple OS was in March of 2001, with the introduction of OSX 10.0. I have two machines tucked away in the back of closets that predate that. There's nothing wrong with them, except they're OS9 machines. So far as I can recall, neither has ever been to the shop, and both saw extensive use as part of a small business (rental housing) system.
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by mwfanelli2
You do not have to reformat external drives.
That's good to know in case I do switch platforms in the future.
Re: Getting a new computer
computer is on it's way!!! I ended up getting the mac with the 27inch screen. The one I am getting is at the link below, Jeff
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by Grandpaw
All I see is the home page of Zones from either link. (Maybe my computer knows me better than I thought possible???)
That 27" is going to be like a billboard! Let us know how you like it.
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by OldClicker
All I see is the home page of Zones from either link. (Maybe my computer knows me better than I thought possible???)
That 27" is going to be like a billboard! Let us know how you like it.
I don't know what to tell you because it brings it right up when I click on the link, Jeff
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by OldClicker
All I see is the home page of Zones from either link. (Maybe my computer knows me better than I thought possible???)
That 27" is going to be like a billboard! Let us know how you like it.
The first few times I clicked on it, I went to the home page but a few tries later it worked.
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by MNRyan
The first few times I clicked on it, I went to the home page but a few tries later it worked.
I tried it again and it worked??? - Terry
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by OldClicker
I tried it again and it worked??? - Terry
Terry, now that you have seen my choice what do you think? A friend of mine brought his over just like the one I am getting and it has an amazing picture on it. This size will allow me to see to edit my pictures a little easier. I guess you could call it the grandpaw model, Jeff
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by Grandpaw
Terry, now that you have seen my choice what do you think? A friend of mine brought his over just like the one I am getting and it has an amazing picture on it. This size will allow me to see to edit my pictures a little easier. I guess you could call it the grandpaw model, Jeff
It looks great, but I know nothing about Apples/Macs.
In the early-mid '80s I went to an Apple store to buy a Mac because the 'intuitive' nature and innovation was something I thought was great (besides, I couldn't type). While waiting for a salesman, I sat down in front of a Mac and started clicking the mouse and playing with the keyboard. Nothing but blue (I think) screen - just nothing. I then went to an Apple II+ (an open architecture type) and typed 'dir', found a game and started playing. I went home with the II+ at a fraction of the price and have not looked at the Mac since.
Re: Getting a new computer
Hi Jeff,
I've been a Mac user since 2008. After we got a Windoze Vista machine for use at work, I saw the writing on the wall. I made the switch and after the initial learning curve, I love my Mac. I think I can count the system crashes requiring a re boot on one hand, maybe even one finger. Macs are works of art that just work.
They aren't perfect though and like Michael said they can have their problems too. My MBP had a optical drive failure, but I precipitated it, by stepping on my MBP. I replaced the drive myself and it's been fine since. My parents are inheriting my 15" MBP and I just purchased a 17". I also picked up a 27" Cinema Display at a decent price and hooked that to my MBP. What a nice monitor!
First thoughts were that I'd just sell the monitor, what the heck would I do with such a big monitor. But now that I have it all hooked up, it's really nice to have all of that real estate. Many photos take on a whole new look on that big monitor. It's also nice to have several programs open and have them peeking out a corner out and just click to bring them forward.
Lastly, I've only found 1 program that I really miss on Windoze. I was able to get the Mac version of the rest of what I used without trouble. I finally bought VMWare and installed XP on a partition, but all I use it for is Proshow Producer, IMO the best slide show program out there. Looking at your specs, I see Parallels is included, but that's just a virtual machine that will run Windows on a partition. I think you'll still need to purchase a version of Windows and install it with parallels in order to use Windows programs.
It takes a little practice to get used to the OS, but if you put a little effort forward and use the internet when you get stuck(there's a lot of information out there on tips, tricks, and the basics) you'll have the new OS down in a short time. I've become a complete Mac fanboy: iPod x2, iPhone, iPad, MBP 17" and Mac Mini media center.
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by EOSThree
Hi Jeff,
I've been a Mac user since 2008. After we got a Windoze Vista machine for use at work, I saw the writing on the wall. I made the switch and after the initial learning curve, I love my Mac. I think I can count the system crashes requiring a re boot on one hand, maybe even one finger. Macs are works of art that just work.
They aren't perfect though and like Michael said they can have their problems too. My MBP had a optical drive failure, but I precipitated it, by stepping on my MBP. I replaced the drive myself and it's been fine since. My parents are inheriting my 15" MBP and I just purchased a 17". I also picked up a 27" Cinema Display at a decent price and hooked that to my MBP. What a nice monitor!
First thoughts were that I'd just sell the monitor, what the heck would I do with such a big monitor. But now that I have it all hooked up, it's really nice to have all of that real estate. Many photos take on a whole new look on that big monitor. It's also nice to have several programs open and have them peeking out a corner out and just click to bring them forward.
Lastly, I've only found 1 program that I really miss on Windoze. I was able to get the Mac version of the rest of what I used without trouble. I finally bought VMWare and installed XP on a partition, but all I use it for is Proshow Producer, IMO the best slide show program out there. Looking at your specs, I see Parallels is included, but that's just a virtual machine that will run Windows on a partition. I think you'll still need to purchase a version of Windows and install it with parallels in order to use Windows programs.
It takes a little practice to get used to the OS, but if you put a little effort forward and use the internet when you get stuck(there's a lot of information out there on tips, tricks, and the basics) you'll have the new OS down in a short time. I've become a complete Mac fanboy: iPod x2, iPhone, iPad, MBP 17" and Mac Mini media center.
You are correct about needing to get a copy of windows if I want to use it. Everyone that I have ever talked with that has a Mac just goes on and on about how much they like it and how few problems they have with it. A buddy of mine told me that he has a Mac that he bought in 1968 that has never had any trouble and still works fine. It won't run any of the new programs that are out but it will still get on the web and check e-mail. Another friend of mine has this same machine with Parrallels software with Windows 7 and says that windows actually runs faster on the Mac than it does on his PC. After I get it I will post some pictures and let you know what I think about it, Jeff
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by Grandpaw
You are correct about needing to get a copy of windows if I want to use it. Everyone that I have ever talked with that has a Mac just goes on and on about how much they like it and how few problems they have with it. A buddy of mine told me that he has a Mac that he bought in 1968 that has never had any trouble and still works fine. It won't run any of the new programs that are out but it will still get on the web and check e-mail. Another friend of mine has this same machine with Parrallels software with Windows 7 and says that windows actually runs faster on the Mac than it does on his PC. After I get it I will post some pictures and let you know what I think about it, Jeff
I like my Mac, but I wonder if they are growing too big for their britches lately. Don't get me wrong, I will still continue to use Mac, but little software glitches and driver issues are creeping in here and there. It's like they are starting to set unrealistic deadlines just like Windows did and that is starting to produce slightly sloppy products.
A recent example is my Apple Cinema Display. The drivers for the speakers in the monitor weren't ready for prime time. My sound (and the sound of thousands of other users) would just stop and you'd have to unplug and plug in the monitor. This $1000 (at that price it had better be RIGHT) monitor went on sale in the late summer, the permanent fix just arrived recently. That was the same kind of stuff that constantly plagued Windoze and finally led to my leaving for Mac. I just hope they take a deep breath and slow down and get it right like they always have in the past. A 1K monitor with sound problems out of the box is unacceptable in my book.
I can't think of the other examples right now, but there have been other small software and driver glitches, just makes me a little nervous. That's exactly the way Windows lost parts of the market share to Mac in the first place.
Re: Getting a new computer
I can understand the frustration with drivers for Apple products. They build them , sell them, they should be tested first. The same thing with all the problems with that Airport box thingie (the router). Nothing but problems with the Apple drivers.
But drivers in general, both Microsoft and Apple, the responsibility is with the manufacturer. For example, when an Epson printer dies it is Epson's fault. They build the equipment, they build the driver. Its the same with every piece of equipment out there. Too many manufacturers are lazy and cheap.
I spend time with the Apple user forums. The vast majority of problems complained about is due to user error and user stupidity. How many users decide to manually "fix" things that aren't broken or install garbage software because it looked "cool"? How many assume that hardware never breaks on an Apple so it can't possibly be a bad drive or circuit.
I do have to admit that I have less babysitting with Apple. Almost always, an OS reinstall is never called for as opposed to Windows where its almost always the only solution. There is no registry to get corrupt. You can trace where programs are going on a Mac. The OS is simpler (as is the GUI, something Windows has the advantage with).
It will be interesting to see if Apple resorts to Microsoft's quick and dirty approach to QA as it gets bigger or if they pull in the reins and keep things under control.
Re: Getting a new computer
The first Mac was made in 1976, so your' buddy is pumping you. Anyway, I'm typing this on a 24" iMac. I've got a 4 year old MacBook Pro that I use on the road/location for image editing. Photoshop was originally written for the Mac, it inherently runs better on a Mac. For image editing, there is no better tool. It is the industry standard in the DTP industry. I've used Macs since 1992 and have never had a hardware problem. During my last deployment to Iraq in 2005 I watched state of the art PC laptops dropping left and right because of the dust. I kept chugging along on the 3 year old iBook I brought and never had a problem. There is no networking problem with a Mac integrating it into a PC LAN. As long as you're running OS 10 it's almost automatic upon connection. I had 14 Mac workstations, 3 Mac print servers, 2 Mac Xserves all seamlessly integrated on the Air Force LAN. I did all the system admin as a secondary duty. Talking to the PC sys admins who worked for me in the Network Control Center, they were astonished that my Macs never crashed, never had a virus problem, and didn't require all the constant maintenance that the PCs did. You won't regret switching over to the Mac platform, instead you'll be kicking yourself for not doing so earlier. True, you'll pay more for a Mac, but you get what you pay for.
Re: Getting a new computer
Originally Posted by Marc2B4
The first Mac was made in 1976, so your' buddy is pumping you. Anyway, I'm typing this on a 24" iMac. I've got a 4 year old MacBook Pro that I use on the road/location for image editing. Photoshop was originally written for the Mac, it inherently runs better on a Mac. For image editing, there is no better tool. It is the industry standard in the DTP industry. I've used Macs since 1992 and have never had a hardware problem. During my last deployment to Iraq in 2005 I watched state of the art PC laptops dropping left and right because of the dust. I kept chugging along on the 3 year old iBook I brought and never had a problem. There is no networking problem with a Mac integrating it into a PC LAN. As long as you're running OS 10 it's almost automatic upon connection. I had 14 Mac workstations, 3 Mac print servers, 2 Mac Xserves all seamlessly integrated on the Air Force LAN. I did all the system admin as a secondary duty. Talking to the PC sys admins who worked for me in the Network Control Center, they were astonished that my Macs never crashed, never had a virus problem, and didn't require all the constant maintenance that the PCs did. You won't regret switching over to the Mac platform, instead you'll be kicking yourself for not doing so earlier. True, you'll pay more for a Mac, but you get what you pay for.
Mark, thank you and everyone else for your input.
I looked at the year in my post and I mistakenly inverted the last two digits, it should have read 1986 not 1968. This is my fault, not anything he said. The main thing I am getting from all these posts and from people that I talk with is that I will have MUCH FEWER problems with a Mac, it will be easier to use, and that I will like it once I make the change over, Jeff