a weeping pine

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  • 10-12-2008, 08:13 PM
    a weeping pine
    out walking the dogs in the evening heard a strang noise,it seemed to be coming from this young pine.
  • 10-13-2008, 09:51 AM
    Re: a weeping pine
    I would look for a small feathered (noisy) cuplrit.
  • 10-13-2008, 10:51 AM
    Re: a weeping pine
    id like to see the background more oof, would make the conifer tree (looks like a fir) look much better.
  • 10-13-2008, 11:10 AM
    Re: a weeping pine
    I think it needs to be a bit wider angle, or further back, because it seems it's meant to show the tree - and it's clipped off on the left and right.
    Or alternatively crop it a bit closer so it isn't just on the edges of the branches and it looks like it's meant to be cropped.

    The trees in the background are a bit too prominent, the diagonal lines jar with the shape of the conifer. Particularly the closer one with the lighter bark - the one further away is dark enough to be in the background.

    Probably you could to shoot it with a longer lens from further away, so you can put the background more out of focus, while having enough depth of field to get the conifer in focus front to back.
    The few branches towards the front out of focus are a little distracting.

    I'm still looking for what was making the noise :)