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Thread: Variety Pack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Delaware, U.S.A.

    Variety Pack

    Here's a couple photos from my past couple of weeks at the Delaware College of Art & Design. I'm lovin it so far, it's hard to pick only five to put up here.

    All done with Minolta Maxxum 4 35mm, developed and printed in the darkroom.

    Thanks for your critiques!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Variety Pack-img002.jpg   Variety Pack-img001.jpg   Variety Pack-img003.jpg   Variety Pack-img004.jpg   Variety Pack-img005.jpg  

    Last edited by F-15_Flyer; 02-24-2007 at 10:19 PM.

  2. #2
    AutoX Addict Mr Yuck's Avatar
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    Spokane, WA

    Re: Variety Pack

    picasa? Google wont let us see it, I'd recommend uploading them to these forums or the gallery on this site.
    --Rebel T2i
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Delaware, U.S.A.

    Re: Variety Pack

    Let's give that a try. ;)

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Delaware, U.S.A.

    Re: Variety Pack

    Ok I'm bumping this cause I want a couple critiques at least. They ain't that bad are they? ;)

  5. #5
    AutoX Addict Mr Yuck's Avatar
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    Spokane, WA

    Re: Variety Pack

    there they are.

    #1 and #2 are very cool. Love the framing, very unorthodox.

    #3 good use of lens flare, but something or someone in the trees to focus on would have been nice imo.

    #4 good motion composition and shadows, but I'm not crazy about this lens flare.

    #5 has good framing, shows a feeling of desertion and lonliness in the city. It would be paired well with a color version that has more activity.
    --Rebel T2i
    --Sigma 10-20mm
    --Canon EF-S 55-250mm
    --Tamron 17-50mm F2.8

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Delaware, U.S.A.

    Re: Variety Pack

    Thank you, Mr. Yuck.

    For #3 I was kind of going for a 2D type of composition, which is why it's all kind of silhouetted.

    #4, I don't like the lens flare either, at the time I couldn't find my lens hood, I have it now though. Maybe I'll try to clean it up in photoshop.

    #5, that's actually a pretty good idea, I think I might try that and post it back here when I can find time.

    Thanks again.

  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Variety Pack

    Hmm... My favorites are the two bottom shots. I like the shadows esp but wish they could be darker. Up the contrast a bit on this one and see. The city street is a neat shot, but I would have included more of the foreground street as it is interesting.

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  8. #8
    Porter's Camera Store Employee
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    Re: Variety Pack

    #'s 1 and 4 are my favorites.... I love the contrast on both of them. There's a little piece of dust on number 1 that I usually wouldn't really like, but on this image it seems to help it. The only suggestion I would have on #4 would be to crop in a little tighter on the subjuect and its shadow. The background seems to clutter up the image, although I do enjoy the vanishing point in the distance.

  9. #9
    Liz molaselake's Avatar
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    Re: Variety Pack

    I would have to say the first photograph in this bunch is my favorite. It's got a good angle on it, and nice exposure. 2 & 3, Don't capture my interest much. In 2, I'd say it's because there really isn't anything to rest my eyes on. 3, I'm not sure. The composition in 4 is to me, the best of them all. However, the exposure and lens flare compete pretty fiercely with my love of that composition. 5...crap...I can't remember what it looks like. I liked it, that's about all I can remember. Sorry

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