A series from Las Vegas

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  • 11-04-2004, 06:20 PM
    Sebastien B
    A series from Las Vegas
    Here is a gallery from my last trip to Las Vegas.
    Gallery Las Vegas

    Tell me what you think?

  • 11-04-2004, 07:18 PM
    Re: A series from Las Vegas
    Seb, have I told you lately how much I hate you...and want to be you? Hate, wanna be, hate, wanna be... just back and forth. It's annoying.
    ps, your pics are ok.
    OK, they rule the world hands down!
    Kit (Seb)
  • 11-05-2004, 07:30 AM
    Re: A series from Las Vegas

    Originally Posted by Sebastien B
    Here is a gallery from my last trip to Las Vegas.
    Gallery Las Vegas

    Tell me what you think?


    Your beautiful work captures the over the top design of the city perfectly. I like your whole website and the way it works.
  • 11-05-2004, 08:32 AM
    Re: A series from Las Vegas

    Originally Posted by Chunk
    Your beautiful work captures the over the top design of the city perfectly. I like your whole website and the way it works.

    um, yeah what Chunk said. That's exactly what I meant! I mean, if I wasn't jealous that's what I would mean. :P
  • 11-08-2004, 06:18 PM
    Re: A series from Las Vegas
    I've been in Vegas recently and I agree with what has been said by Chunk and Kits. These are very good photographs. I particularly like the luxor pyramid.

    I wish I had not been lazy and took the camera out of its bag. But as it happened, I was just walking down the Strip with my jaw wide open! I thought I would hate Vegas, but I was actually happily surprised.

    Did you go to the Monet exhibit at the Bellagio?

    BTW, I was in Vegas between Oct. 23-26th. I guess tons of people are taking photographs there. However, I saw a young guy taking pics from a tripod on Tuesday night... maybe that was you?! Ha Ha, wouldn't the world be small then!


  • 11-08-2004, 06:24 PM
    Re: A series from Las Vegas
    I have never been to Vegas but these pictures sure do make it look like an interesting place. Well done!

  • 11-09-2004, 05:22 PM
    Sebastien B
    Re: A series from Las Vegas

    Thank you all for your nice comments! No it was not me, I wish I took my tripod but I did not (too lazy :)) so I had to use whatever was available, trash can, fence... No I did not go to the Monet exhibit, but I saw the show "O" from cirque du soleil and that was great!

    Again, thank you

  • 11-10-2004, 08:39 AM
    Re: A series from Las Vegas
    What shesells said.
