Point Loma Tide pools, San Diego, Ca.
This Photo was taken at the Pt Loma tide pools, in San Diega, Ca. I have played and played and played with the colors all summer never quite reaching what I want... please comment.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Point Loma Tide pools, San Diego, Ca.
Whoops... let me try and attach the Picture this time :)
Attachment 34514
Re: Point Loma Tide pools, San Diego, Ca.
It looks like there is good potential with the image but the lighting and the composition aren’t as strong. Maybe a different vantage point, moving the angle higher or lower would add more impact. I also think early or late light would help. As for the color it has too much cyan on my monitor. Are you close enough to reshoot?
Re: Point Loma Tide pools, San Diego, Ca.
have you tried using a polarizing filter to bring out the sky better? Might also bring the reds and oranges down a touch without losing much in teh reflections if done right.
Overall though the image has a nice feel to it. Makes me want to head to CA again.
Re: Point Loma Tide pools, San Diego, Ca.
Originally Posted by pez31
It looks like there is good potential with the image but the lighting and the composition aren’t as strong. Maybe a different vantage point, moving the angle higher or lower would add more impact. I also think early or late light would help. As for the color it has too much cyan on my monitor. Are you close enough to reshoot?
Thats interesting... I didn't expect comments on the Composition but perhaps a different vantage might help. As for the Cyan... that is one of the things I have been playing with and have never been quite satisfied with (as well as the yellow/red in the rocks).
Sigh... Its just one of those photos that is gonna bug me.
Re: Point Loma Tide pools, San Diego, Ca.
Yes I am close enough for a re-shoot.
Unfortunetly, the Polorizer for my Camera is no longer made... one of the disadvantages of owning a Bridge Camera vice a dSLR. I paln to correct that when I upgrade to dSLR sometime in the next few months. As for the reds and oranges... boy have I ever played with them. This is just one of those photos that I can't quite get the way I want it (Which is why I posted it for comment). I think I might take your advice and go re-shoot this one.