Please allow me to introduce myself and give a little background, I am new to the world of photography(4 months) and this forum(1 day) and have really fallen in love with it. My first camera was a Minolta STSI and that compelled me to purchase the Fuji film S7000, and now that I feel I have a decent digital camera I have to learn how to use it. I have read several web sites and peoples suggestions and tips and I am picking up allot of good information from everyone but I am still not sure about settings like aperture and exposure compensation. Does anyone know of a good book that will go through the basics and intermediate stuff that’s easy to read and I won’t lose interest in minutes. I have a very short attention span and would so much rather learn by doing over reading…Thanks in advance, and please let me know your comments on my first submission. I am anxious to hear what you have to say about this shot.