I posted a shot a little while back with a reflection of a graffiti wall. This is a reflection of the same wall, but is the shot I really wanted, but had to wait for until the water in the puddle reached a level where it reached further along the wall to this section of the wall, but not so high as to drown out all the rocks. Only time I could get there was towards the end of the day, so the shutter speed was too long to try the pebble in the water ripple effect that was suggested. I also felt that as there were more stones and the dry patch (which I quite like), that ripples would have been overkill. Initially I cropped the guy on the left out as it left the main work central and framed by the two small items either side, but I really like the way he is walking into the shot and it kind of leads the eye in. Close call on the crop though.
Hope you like it, and comments would be great. As always with these kinds of shots, and probably most shots, it really does look much better large so please click the link if you have time. Thanks for looking.
Large link...
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