Announcement... Featured Photo..
With the new software comes a few changes in how things will be done.
We are still going to do the "Featured Photo", but how it will be done, will be a little different.
This is what I will be doing for now, until John and I can come up with something different.
The photo I select, I will edit only slighty. That is, I will add to the subject line "Featured Photo" and make it a sticky for the week. Then of course I will undo what I did with the previous photo the week and repeat the process for the new one.
That is all I will do to your post.
How does that work for everyone?
I have already tried this on Charles photo and it does work.
Any questions, concerns, just ask!
ding ding ding...Ahhhhhh!
Originally Posted by mtbbrian
When you make a message a "sticky" it keeps it up at the top..
You'll see a push pin icon on the index page, that indicates it is a sticky.
I am not sure if everyone has this ability, but I do.
Ok, that makes sense. Thanks.