Photo Critique Forum

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    SLC, Utah

    3 pictures from a hike, advice?

    Here are 3 pictures I took yesterday on a hike, please offer any help, criticisms, or advice for these photos.

    The first won is of a metal dear sculpture which is apearing to jump a guard rail.

    The second is of a water fall which I put the rocks and stream into focus and left the water fall out of focus.

    The third is of some pretty flowers I saw.

    Thank you as always.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 3 pictures from a hike, advice?-deer2.jpg   3 pictures from a hike, advice?-waterfall3.jpg   3 pictures from a hike, advice?-flower3-copy.jpg  

  2. #2
    learning member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Secunda ,Mpumalanga , South-Africa


    The first photo is quite unique . I like it a lot . Where did you took it ?
    The other two ( imo ) very good photo's . Especially the last one of the flowers. I think the blurred background makes the flower in front oustanding .The composition is good.


    Quote Originally Posted by Irie Times
    Here are 3 pictures I took yesterday on a hike, please offer any help, criticisms, or advice for these photos.

    The first won is of a metal dear sculpture which is apearing to jump a guard rail.

    The second is of a water fall which I put the rocks and stream into focus and left the water fall out of focus.

    The third is of some pretty flowers I saw.

    Thank you as always.

  3. #3
    Member bjtindle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    1. I think this picture is awesome! The deer figure looks as if it were about to leap in to the city and shows up nicely against the background.

    2. I like this one very much too, I would like to see more of the area surrounding it however, in a way it feels too short of an area for me.

    3. Beautiful shot, very pretty, colorful flowers in front of a nice background. The front one shows up very clearly and because the one is directly behind the front one it gives the picture a feeling of continuity to me. Very nice pictures!
    "When you aim for perfection you discover it is a moving target".

    - George Fisher -

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Advice? Yes, post less pictures in one single post.

  5. #5
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Across the street from Wisconsin
    Joe, this is the third thread I've read this morning and in two of them you're criticizing people for posting more than one photo per thread. You're the only person I've seen who seems to be offended by this, even though the alternative that you imply makes absolutely no sense (three pictures, three threads). If everyone did that, you would have to search through multiple pages of threads to find all the things you'd commented on. I'm not the moderator here, but all the same, I'd appreciate it if you'd tone down the criticism of posting style and start (constructively) criticizing photographs instead.

    Irie Times:

    This is a pretty decent series of photographs. I think each of them has some merit as far as the way you've framed them and the type of scene you've tried to capture. However I think each has an area where it could be improved a bit also.

    The first shot has an interesting subject, but I think maybe you've zoomed in so close, that you've sort of lost the feel of the scene (namely a deer jumping "into the valley"). I think if you were to back away (or zoom out a little) and maybe frame the deer more to the left side of the frame, it would really convey the feel better. Especially if there are any nearby trees or bushes you can play off of.

    The second shot is very close to being a keeper. I've climbed over many a boulder field during my excursions into the mountains of Wyoming, Colorado and Idaho, and so have tried to shoot many scenes exactly like this. The trouble I had (and which I think is present here) is that your mind's eye is able to abstract things a little more when looking at scenes like this, but the camera has no such ability.

    What I might try next time is to move around on those boulders a bit until you find a really neat angle with the waterfall, and then try to crop in a bit more. You may have to play with the focal length as well and use an even wider angle, but really close in. Also, I'd say that you either need to use a really fast shutter speed to completely freeze the water droplets flying about, or you need to go really slow to give it that smoothed over, ethereal look. You're sort of right in the middle, so the water is neither completely blurred nor completely sharp.

    The third shot is a nice one but there's way too much blue in the shadow detail. You could remedy this with Photoshop, using Hue and Saturation, Levels or Curves. Otherwise the composition itself looks pretty good.

    Hope these comments help some; look forward to seeing more of your shots.

    D200 = Digital F100
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    SLC, Utah

    Thank You for the comments...

    I appreciate very much the advice and comments given very much. I also agree with what has been said regarding these photos.

    1. This was originally taken in color and converted to black and white, I am still a bit unhappy with the greyness of it but have yet to become that good at photoshop yet to adjust it properly. To answer the question of where it is, it is on the bench's of SLC, Utah.

    2. I am still trying to figure out he proper shutter speeds to get the desired outcome, being blurry and smooth or frozen in time. I guess that just comes with taking alot of pictures and practice.

    3. I printed and framed this photo and am tickeled with it's colors in it's frame, will be giving it as a gift this weekend.

    Once again thank you for your comments and advice.

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