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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Corbin, Ky. USA

    Question about cost of photo websites...

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for a good web service to be able to upload my motor sports photos, set prices, and sell prints as well as digital copies. Now I was wondering, what web service offers to do these things at the best price? Thus far, the only webservice that offers this kind of thing is smugmug, but the downside of it is I have to pay $150.00 a year in order to do that. So I was curious, are they the only game in town per se, or are there other services that provide the same kind of web gallery features at a better price? Just curious, thank you all for your time.

  2. #2
    Formerly Michael Fanelli, mwfanelli, mfa mwfanelli2's Avatar
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    Re: Question about cost of photo websites...

    Just wondering... Is less than $13 a month too much to set up a commercial business?
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  3. #3
    Member EverlastingImpressions's Avatar
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    Re: Question about cost of photo websites...

    It doesn't seem that the $150/yr is necessarily such a problem, more like they are just interested in what other options are available.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: Question about cost of photo websites...

    On smugmug, can you actually set it up to where you only pay $13.00 a month for the site and not $150.00 one time? If so, I'll defiently go with smugmug, I just thought origionally that in order to get a pro site set up to where I can sell photos, I had to pay $150.00 up front, but if I can cut it down to only $13.00 a month that will be more than worth it. Let me know if I can do that, thanks for your time.

  5. #5
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: Question about cost of photo websites...

    There is a podcast that I listen to called Digital Photography Life. They haven't put out a new episode since September, but SmugMug was a sponsor of the show at that time. They had a promo code for SmugMug that would give you 50% off of any SmugMug service. The promo code is "Flickr". Give it a try and see if it still works.

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  6. #6
    Sports photo junkie jorgemonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Question about cost of photo websites...

    Exposure Manager lets me sell both digital copies either as a download or a CD, or standard prints. I believe I'm paying $45ish a year + commision
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  7. #7
    Have Cameras. Will Shoot! NaturalWoman's Avatar
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    Re: Question about cost of photo websites... is $100 a year for almost about the same thing you get with smugmug. haven't done a side by side comparison.
    Happily photographing within my camera's limitations.Website

  8. #8
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Question about cost of photo websites...

    Quote Originally Posted by mjs1973
    There is a podcast that I listen to called Digital Photography Life. They haven't put out a new episode since September, but SmugMug was a sponsor of the show at that time. They had a promo code for SmugMug that would give you 50% off of any SmugMug service. The promo code is "Flickr". Give it a try and see if it still works.
    The Flickr promo code is no longer any good but it got me to thinking and I did some looking around on the net and found this promo code for 50% of Smugmug and just signed up and it worked. I got this in an email from SmuMug, "You purchased a Professional subscription (and received a discount of $74.97) for $74.98. I used promo code SmUGsHOT and it worked for the pro account, Jeff
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  9. #9
    Have Cameras. Will Shoot! NaturalWoman's Avatar
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    Re: Question about cost of photo websites...

    Quote Originally Posted by Grandpaw
    The Flickr promo code is no longer any good but it got me to thinking and I did some looking around on the net and found this promo code for 50% of Smugmug and just signed up and it worked. I got this in an email from SmuMug, "You purchased a Professional subscription (and received a discount of $74.97) for $74.98. I used promo code SmUGsHOT and it worked for the pro account, Jeff
    darn that's a great price. 74.98! enjoy.
    Happily photographing within my camera's limitations.Website

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