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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Las Vegas, Nevada - USA

    A little help in this Please....

    Howdy All,

    I've recently done a shoot for a local Interior Designer.
    I'm looking to get a "Ballpark" estimate as to HOW MUCH I should charge her.

    I spent 5 hours and needed to help with the staging of the 4 rooms being shot.

    Any help in this would be great, Thanks ! ! !


  2. #2
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Ft. Lauderdale

    Re: A little help in this Please....

    Usually commercial shoots are not so straightforward as direct-to-consumer photography pricing is. First you need to come up with a base rate that covers your expenses, overhead, & profit. The other part of the final price revolves around usage - how the images are used, determines how much they're worth. So in order to give an answer, we'd need more information...

    When you say 5 hours, does that mean 5 hours on site, or 5 hours including driving to/from the place, downloading, editing, & delivering the files?
    How is the interior designer going to use the images, print, web, both?
    If print, what kind and how many?
    What is the circulation, local, regional, state wide, nationwide, international?
    How long do they intend to use the images for, 1 year, 2 years, forever?
    Do they want "exclusive use" or are you allowed to sell the images to someone else if they expressed interest? Are you allowed to use them to promote yourself on your own website, or in photo contests?

    Answers to all of these different elements effect the price in commercial work...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Las Vegas, Nevada - USA

    Smile Re: A little help in this Please....

    It was 5 hrs "on site".
    It was probably 30 min. to and from the location.
    She'll be using the photos on her website.
    Editing was not involved, she'll be doing whatever post processing work on her own or by someone else.
    I just took the pics and downloaded them to a Flash Drive for her use.
    Printing is not an issue for this project.
    I would be allowed to use them as well if needed for whatever...
    She really seemed a bit Un-organized when it came time for the shoot as far as having things ready. as mentioned previously, I had to help with the "Staging" of alot of the areas.
    Would I need to Separate the duties of Photographer vs. "Staging Assitant" and price accordingly ????

    Thanks for the help with this,

  4. #4
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Ft. Lauderdale

    Re: A little help in this Please....

    If this were my gig, this is how I would list it out on the invoice:

    Creative fees:
    - 1 Photographer’s fee @ $X00.00/half-day* (includes photography and photographic equipment to record images)

    - 1 location fee @ $X0.00/half-day (fuel, tolls, to/from, parking)

    Additional Misc. fees:
    - 1 Staging Assistance @ X00.00/half-day*

    - $X0.00/day

    - $X00.00/ea - Nonexclusive rights for unlimited web usage over a period of 2 years from the date of final payment. Any further/additional usage to be covered under separate contract.

    - $XXXX.00 - fees
    - $XXXX.00 - production

    One other thing I note on the invoice is that no usage rights will be transferred until payment is received in full.

    Prices fluctuate greatly by by region and population density, but if this was in the Las Vegas metropolitan area, I would not set my photographer fee lower than $625 ($125.00/hr) and personally I'd just include the staging work under the half day photography rate, because staging is worth less. But I would note on the invoice that I didn't charge her anything additional for staging assistance (so she feels like she's getting a bargain). Usage fees also vary depending on where on the website an image is placed but for web only, nonexclusive, and assuming they aren't going on the home page, it should fall somewhere between $25 and $550.00 per image depending as well on your notoriety within your local market.

    I would also post this question on if you need answers completely specific to your exact situation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Las Vegas, Nevada - USA

    Re: A little help in this Please....

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, This was exactly what I was looking for.
    Very Helpful ! ! ! !


  6. #6
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: A little help in this Please....

    Excellent thread. Great answers, jetrim! That sample invoice is excellent!

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

  7. #7
    Stop Or I'll Shoot Photography Lori11's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Birmingham, Alabama USA

    Re: A little help in this Please....

    Thank you for posting that invoice!

  8. #8
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    united states

    Re: A little help in this Please....

    Wow this is really very interesting...! I really enjoy reading this one. So nice of you to share this to us, Thank you so much!

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