is possessing a fake press pass illegal?

if it has the name of a real newspaper/agency?

if the name on the pass isn't yours?

if you use the pass to gain entry to an event?

my friend works for the AP, and i scanned his press pass (with his permission). i took out all identifying info, put in a fake name, and printed it up nicely. then i glued on a passport photo from walgreens, laminated it, and attached a neck lanyard. i even "aged" it a little so it looks like i've had it for a while.

all in all, it looks awesome...reeeally awesome!

i've used it a couple of times when photographing in situations where people have harrassed me in the past. you know the "you know you're not allowed to be photographing here" crowd....the results have been great so far. one lady came up to me, all ready to get sanctimonious, looked closely at the pass for 5 seconds, and said "oh i wasn't sure if you were with the press". i just gave a weary smile. didn't even have to (verbally) lie!

combined with a vest, and the right attitude, i think this pass could definitely get me into some cool shooting situations.

i'm considering making another with my real name, since my biggest concern is the legality of using a false name. any help??


wiley snap

p.s. unrelated, but i thought amusing....when i searched for "fake pass" in this forum, before writing this post, here was the result:

Your Search for fake pass returned no records.

However, we did find 0 matches for: cake pans

p.p.s. not to be ungrateful, but i'm not looking for any moral guidance on whether or not i SHOULD do this. Please limit responses to the legal issues.