Well, I am looking at a couple of PENTAX-mount lenses; tele-zooms and a tele-prime. With the 300mm f4 MF-only I currently have, sharp shots of not-so-still wildlife are extremely hard to accomplish. I'm not planning to get the new lens anytime soon, perhaps early next year. I just completed two photographic assignments, and can now afford a TAMRON 70-300mm, (or the SIGMA) but have read several negative reviews complaining about their sharpness at 300mm.
What I want is to "set my sights" on the right lens, and start saving up enough money.
I'm not so worried about macro-focusing distances or tripod-collars, these would essentially be "icing on the cake", so to speak. What I'm more concerned about is the following:
• Focal length. (200mm+, preferably 300mm+).
• If zoom, sharpness at longer focal lengths.
• Sharpness wide open and stopped down.
• Chromatic aberrations. (CA).
• Distortions. (Barrel and/or pincushioning).
• Vignetting issues.
• Bokeh quality.
• Aperture size. (f4 is OK, f5.6 would be OK too. I don't think I really need f2.8).
Wide-to-tele "super-zooms" would definetely be out of the question. (e.g. 18-250mm).
Something like 75-300mm's, 70-300mm's, 55-300mm's, would be better. Prime lenses would be all right too, so long as they aren't "monsters". I will be shooting mostly hand-held, perhaps occasionally with a Canon monopod 100, and very rarely with a Velbon CX-540 tripod. Lighter, compactish AF lenses are what I need.
Also, has anyone had experience with PENTAX's SDM AF-motor? Does it really help with bird photography or would a non-SDM lens work just fine?
Here are the optics being considered, along with a few reasons why and a few reasons why not-so-sure:
• PENTAX SMCP-DA 55-300mm f/4-5.8 ED Autofocus Lens.
Why maybe yes:
- Good zoom range.
- PENTAX-branded.
- 300mm focal length.
- On average, receives positive reviews.
- Smallish and compact.
Why maybe not:
- f5.8 max aperture at 300mm.
- Vignetting issues.
- CA issues.
- Sharpness issues.
- Distortions.
• TAMRON AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD Macro Autofocus Lens for Pentax AF.
Why maybe yes:
- CHEAP! I could buy it right away...
- 300mm focal length.
- Macro focusing ability. (Icing-on-the-cake).
- Smallish and compactish.
Why maybe not:
- People complain about poor image quality at 300mm.
- f5.6 max aperture at 300mm.
- CA issues.
- Vignetting issues.
- Distortions.
• Sigma Zoom Telephoto 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG Macro Autofocus Lens for Pentax AF.
Why maybe yes:
- CHEAP! I could buy it right away...
- 300mm focal length.
- Smallish and compactish.
Why maybe not:
- Complaints about quality at 300mm.
- f5.6 max aperture at 300mm.
- Complaints about ugly bokeh.
- CA issues.
- Distortions.
- I don't reallly like it's looks...
- Vignetting issues.
• Pentax SMCP-DA* 200mm f/2.8 ED (IF) SDM Autofocus Lens.
Why maybe yes:
- "Star quality", PENTAX-branded.
- SDM AF motor.
- f2.8 max aperture.
- Better image quality, since it has a fixed focal-length.
Why maybe not:
- PRICE! Expensive!
- 200mm is a bit on the short side for photographing small birds.
- Heavier and larger than the others.
I will be shooting mostly perched birds – but also BIF's, squirrels, wild bunnies, etc..
The D-SLR I currently own: *ist D
If anyone here has used these lenses, I would really appreciate it if you could share your experience. If you think that another lens would work well for me, please feel free to mention.