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  1. #1
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Platteville, WI, United States

    2011 has arrived!

    Happy New Year, everyone! Our poor Pentax corner seems to be a little quiet these past several months. I'm hoping that with the New Year will come a new interest in showcasing your works with our beloved Pentax cameras!
    So, with that I wish you all good night, good shooting and good times!!!

    Click these links for the K5 Review Page and the K7 Review Page
    Remember, Reviews help keep our site free!!!

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

    The K-Teams Updated Logo CLICK HERE to add a link. Many thanx go to Axle for his hard work.

    Nikon Samurai #20

  2. #2
    Member cameron665's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    Re: 2011 has arrived!

    Hi Ken, I for one will be visiting here more often in 2011. I currently do film as well as digital and plan to do much more digital this year. Looking forward to exchanging photography tips with other pentaxians.

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  3. #3
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Platteville, WI, United States

    Re: 2011 has arrived!

    Welcome Cameron, It's nice to have you in our little corner of PR. We all look forward to your input and your photographs. It appears as though you've been a member for quite awhile. I hope that we Pentaxians can excite you to share more frequently.
    Have a great day, down under.

    Click these links for the K5 Review Page and the K7 Review Page
    Remember, Reviews help keep our site free!!!

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

    The K-Teams Updated Logo CLICK HERE to add a link. Many thanx go to Axle for his hard work.

    Nikon Samurai #20

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    Cabinet Esmeralda

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  19. #19
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