• 10-29-2020, 02:42 PM
    What are the top 5 skills in DotA 2?
    What are the top 5 skills in DotA 2? Can you share some tips how to improve my rank?
  • 10-30-2020, 08:34 AM
    Re: What are the top 5 skills in DotA 2?
    Hm, quite difficult to say. Talking about professional games I can say that it can be drafting and last hitting. Also you should definitely know when to leave a lane, know when to save for buyback and so on. All this you will understand only with experience. I recommend to buy account from dota 2 boost site and play with high mmr players. In such case you will learn how to paly much faster.
  • 04-26-2021, 05:55 AM
    Re: What are the top 5 skills in DotA 2?
    text: You can Buy Dota 2 Accounts at DOTA2ACCOUNTS.COM, as we provide many account options and fast buy dota 2 account delivery. Help and guiding will be provided to you to secure your account and make you a happy customer.