Is it just me?

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  • 02-19-2007, 12:26 PM
    Is it just me?
    Or is <a href="">this</a> about 10 years too late?
  • 02-19-2007, 01:11 PM
    Asylum Steve
    No, it's just you...

    Originally Posted by walterick
    Or is <a href="">this</a> about 10 years too late?

    Rick, the Simpsons is close to still being as popular now as it ever was. Most "experts" feel the writing remains so strong it has yet to jump the shark. I agree.

    And unlike live-action hits like the X-files, whose movie versions definitely had a "window" (I don't think I would even want to see a sequel to the first film now), the Simpsons characters did not age throughout the history of the show, so a movie would mesh seemlessly with the tv episodes.

    Without knowing precise details, it seems creator Matt Groening simply was too busy with other projects, and the tv show doing to well by itself, to finally get the film version off the ground before now.

    I say better late than never...
  • 02-19-2007, 02:25 PM
    Re: Is it just me?
    It's me too...

    While I'm sure this will do well, because they are still popular, I think financially, even 5 years ago, they would have done a lot better.

    I agree that it's still pretty popular, but I don't see the merchandising as much as I used too. I remember when those tshirts and dolls and stuff were everywhere. Now, you still find them, but the stores aren't as saturated as they used to be.

    From a fans standpoint (not that I am, haven't watched it in years), better late than never. But from a $$ view, I think they would have done better a few years ago. They will still rake it in though.
  • 02-19-2007, 06:27 PM
    Re: Is it just me?
    I am somewhere between Steve and Adina on this.

    I agree with the Steve that the writing is as strong as it ever was, and that the characters have not "grown up."

    What has changed, though, is the culture around the show.

    Comedy and witing have caught up with the Simpsons, making it less of an "anomoly" as it used to be. While still funny, it is no longer the cutting edge of comedy. It was surpased in both shock value and popularity (merchandising) years ago by shows like South Park and Family Guy.

    The Simpsons haven't gotten worse, the shows around it have gotten better.

    And I agree with Adina in that financially, the movie would have faired much better years ago. It is still a cultural gem, and always good for a laugh, but at this point I think the Simpsons are on their way out. This film may even be the beginning of an exit...
  • 02-19-2007, 10:57 PM
    Greg McCary
    Re: Is it just me?
    I quit watching TV when they canceled Barney Miller.LOL
  • 02-20-2007, 04:01 PM
    Asylum Steve
    Re: Is it just me?

    Originally Posted by walterick
    And I agree with Adina in that financially, the movie would have faired much better years ago. It is still a cultural gem, and always good for a laugh, but at this point I think the Simpsons are on their way out. This film may even be the beginning of an exit...

    Oh, I agree with that, too. If you consider the global economic merchandising money-making potential of a project like this (etc., etc., etc.) sure, it should have been done years ago.

    Fortunately, I don't care about any of that. My only concern is as a fan, and it is in that sense I hope the film gets done, and is good. And that I think is a distinct possibility.

    BTW, I haven't watched any "new" episodes in years, either. I have the first four seasons on DVD, and catch reruns once in a while. If this is the beginning of the end, fine. I think there are more than enough of great episodes already, and it will probably take me the rest of my life to catch up on all the ones I've missed...
  • 02-21-2007, 09:24 AM
    Re: Is it just me?

    Originally Posted by walterick
    IWhat has changed, though, is the culture around the show.

    Comedy and witing have caught up with the Simpsons, making it less of an "anomoly" as it used to be. While still funny, it is no longer the cutting edge of comedy. It was surpased in both shock value and popularity (merchandising) years ago by shows like South Park and Family Guy.

    The Simpsons haven't gotten worse, the shows around it have gotten better.

    This is what I was going to say. I agree completely. The Simpson's used to be considered "edgy," but South Park and Family Guy make the Simpsons look like Looney Toons. It's still good, but I'm watching from a different perspective now. Regardless of the changes, I can't wait to see the movie.

  • 07-27-2007, 08:05 AM
    Re: Is it just me?
    I am hearing mixed reviews on this. I have to say the previews don't look funny AT ALL. Anxious to see what you guys have to say!
  • 07-27-2007, 09:54 AM
    Re: Is it just me?
    I think 3-5 years ago was really the height of their popularity. But Groening said that he wouldnt ever release a simpsons movie until the end of the series. And it was pretty obvious they would milk the series for all its worth, therefore releasing a movie when the simpsons were in a downfall. No, it's not a bad cartoon, it just doesn't have anything to set it apart from other shows now. They have used basically every single idea they could do. Anyone seen the "simpsons did it!" south park episode?
  • 07-27-2007, 11:50 AM
    Re: Is it just me?
    I haven't watched the Simpsons in years, but I still catch them every once in a while. There was a show on WPR today about the Simpsons.

    Here is the into to the show. If you want, you can listen to the show at

    When "The Simpsons" premiered, many proclaimed it a sign of society's decline. After seven, Joy Cardin's guest discusses how, since the beginning, "The Simpsons" remains an insightful exploration of the world we live in.
  • 07-27-2007, 02:41 PM
    Re: Is it just me?

    Originally Posted by livin4lax09
    Anyone seen the "simpsons did it!" south park episode?

    Yes! Great episode.

    Say what you will about their more recent episodes, but I haven't been this excited about the Simpsons in years.

    "Spider pig, spider pig. Does whatever a spider pig does." Classic Homer.

  • 07-27-2007, 07:35 PM
    Re: Is it just me?
    I tried to watch the simpsons once and thought it really stupid with poor animation.
    I see the previews or whatever on tv but never have seen anything that makes me want to watch.
    Its great that it pleases some but I just don't get it!
  • 07-28-2007, 06:07 PM
    Re: Is it just me?
    I tried to hold off on the movie, but was outvoted. I'm glad that I went, it was dumb, sophomoric and one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. There is just one dumb line after another, with plenty of social commentary thrown in for good measure. The writing was pretty good if you keep the whole thing in context. I guess we all have a little Homer in us.
  • 07-28-2007, 07:24 PM
    Re: Is it just me?

    Originally Posted by photophorous
    "Spider pig, spider pig. Does whatever a spider pig does."

    Not like that one hasn't been running through my head for... oh.... the past month.

    The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park are about all I care to see on regular TV anymore. American Dad isn't bad either.
  • 07-28-2007, 09:10 PM
    Re: Is it just me?
    I stopped watching the Simpsons a long time ago. The stories just seemed...different and it stopped being funny. Part of that, I think, is my maturing interest in comedy - I find King of the Hill and Futurama to be more up my alley, and part of it is due to South Park/Family Guy pushing the bounds.

    The movie seems interesting. I might go see it, but I would rather see Transformers.
  • 07-28-2007, 09:33 PM
    Re: Is it just me?
    good choice. transformers=amazing.