Colon cancer horrors It's not just symptoms and life-threatening. But the real horror of the colon Is often not showing obvious symptoms And make it detected when the disease has advanced
Why should I have a colonoscopy exam?
Data from Thonburi Bamrungmuang Hospital indicates that colon cancer is in fact If found early Resulting in a much higher chance of treatment It is for this reason that the detection of colon cancer is extremely important. super slot

Who should have a colonoscopy?
The CDC recommends colon cancer screening in all 50-75 years old (because colon cancer is associated with older age) .In people younger than 50 years, colon cancer should be screened. When you or your relative have a history of intestinal polyps Or colon cancer In people with a history of Inflammatory bowel disease, or certain genetic disorders that increase the risk of colon cancer.