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Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
(Is a non-mod allowed to start a theme?) AgingEyes' bird (Fox Sparrow?) and Ron's squirrel gave me the idea for a thread of wildlife with expressions that show real 'attitude'.
I'l start with, "...and this is my eagle pose."
EDIT: No pets - they all have attitude. - TF
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Look, here comes crabby old aunt Martha.
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
I'm here. When do we eat?
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Ron, LOL on the first one - even louder on the second. - TF
EDIT: And the third. - TF
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Great thread, OldClicker!
Fun shots both, I'll go through my archives and see what I can dig up... :wink:
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
You want attitude! I'll give you attitude!
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
How's this...?
"King of the Perch".
Attachment 62790
(Maybe more shots to come later). :wink:
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Very nice!!! A little attitude is always good!!!
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Humph...you think you've had hard life...
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Man--wish I had a pair like that.
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Get Outta Here!!!!!!!
Nothing screams attitude (literally) like a male red-winged blackbird guarding his nest.
I never found the nest but obviously I was close.
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
That is one motley looking cardinal. :-) TF
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Love your blackbird, Loupey.
I've got an even better one of that motley cardinal somewhere. Looks like a hard-living, old drunk to me. I don't imagine anyone would ever want to publish it, but I love this shot and kept it.
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
I don't care if you are a mascot. Take one step closer, and I'll shoot.
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Get off my back, suckkar.
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Who, me? I didn't steal your nuts!
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Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
"Don't shoo, fly, come bother me - I won't hurt you"
Re: Theme: "Expressions with Attitude"...
Originally Posted by Ron Kruger
Who, me? I didn't steal your nuts!
Well, I did!!! :D
Attachment 62824
This has got to be one of the funnest threads I have ever come across here at N&W... can't pick a favourite shot now, they are all awesome... :thumbsup: